Austin Pets Alive Long Stay Dogs

Austin Pets Alive Long Stay Dogs This page is dedicated to all of our amazing dogs that have been with us for 300+ days. Prior to 2008 when APA! APA! The Austin Pets Alive!

started rescuing and adopting cats and dogs, 50%, or 14,000 of the animals entering the city’s shelter were euthanized. examined the gaps in existing lifesaving efforts and found there were groups of animals for which life-saving programs did not exist. created programs targeting the groups of animals facing certain euthanasia. These programs lead to a measurable impact on the community’s save rat

e – and Austin’s status as the largest No-Kill City in the Nation. Hundreds of extremely dedicated volunteers donate their skills, expertise, and love to APA! – to the tune of more than 2,000 hours EACH WEEK or the equivalent of 50 full-time staff members. According to the current valuation of volunteer time of $22.14 per hour (2012), determined annually by the Independent Sector, APA! volunteers contributed $2,334,109 during 2013. Our largest program is Adoptions because no matter which program a life needed to be saved, they all have to find permanent homes. Our goal is to have a state of the art adoption center that incorporates cutting edge marketing methods to facilitate the movement of pets into those homes. Dog Behavior Program will provide the dogs in our care all available resources to enhance their quality of life and save as many lives as possible. We recognize, respect, and treat each animal as an individual. We utilize all tools and techniques in our programs to teach and support healthy, appropriate behavior to companion dogs within our community. We support our adopters in strengthening and nourishing their bond with their companion. We share our program successes with other animal welfare organizations to support life-saving efforts beyond our own shelter and community. With the support of Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! began training adoptable dogs to pass the Canine Good Citizen, an obedience test designed by the American Kennel Club. These obedience tests consists of ten different real-world scenarios that demonstrate solid obedience training and general reliability. Dogs are tested by an AKC evaluator after a period of training, and after passing the ten tests they are eligible for the title of ‘CGC Ready.’ Once they achieve ‘CGC Ready,’ they have demonstrated when partnered with a responsible person, he or she possesses all the qualities of a well-trained and reliable pet. Through these innovative programs Austin has become the largest No-Kill city in the United States. Since our inception, we have found that almost every large city in the US has the same gaps as existed in Austin in 2008. We are now a model for communities nationwide, and through our American Pets Alive! program we train other communities on how to create and manage the same lifesaving programs so that ultimately no pets have to die unnecessarily in America.

When we say fostering saves lives, we are not kidding. We only have to look to Melissa who leads with her heart every si...

When we say fostering saves lives, we are not kidding. We only have to look to Melissa who leads with her heart every single day to give some of our senior dogs the best lives they have had up to this point. Melissa doesn't have just one senior foster right now but TWO! Two dogs whose trajectory changed when Melissa knew she could help them.
Destiny (known as Desi to her loving foster family) came to APA! without a back foot (not a full amputation) and had hair loss, heartworms and was so so skinny and defeated. APA! stepped up to the plate to take Destiny into our care and two of our volunteers knew she shouldn't spend a moment longer than needed in a kennel.
Now, nearly two years later, her heartworms are treated, she's a robust weight, her leg was fully amputated so she wouldn't be trying to use it and cause more harm. She is loved, she is fed and she is in love with her foster brother Torgito!
Torgito embodies the true resliency that dogs show-he loves everyone and everything he meets, even though his past might not have been kind. Also hairless, heartworm positive and now a hospice case due to stage 2 kidney disease, Torgito enters each day with absolute joy. He's happy to eat, to see YOU, to be a part of a family in a foster home. He really lucked out when Melissa heard his story and asked for a hippopotamus foster for Christmas.
These dogs have a fierce advocate in Melissa and the team of folks that have rallied around them. Their lives are better because APA! said, because Melissa said yes and because there's someone out there ready to meet and love these two.
Saving lives ain't easy but taking a chance on a dog that may have lost hope along the way, on a dog that loves despite their pasts makes our world as humans a better place to live in. Both are ready for adoption!! Let us connect you to start the next steps of their journeys.

Imagine meeting a dog as a volunteer. And knowing you can help this beautiful soul. So every weekend you find a new adve...

Imagine meeting a dog as a volunteer. And knowing you can help this beautiful soul. So every weekend you find a new adventure to take to help her be ready for her home. And those weekends stretch out into months and then a full year. Until you realize that more than 52 weekends have gone by and Indica is still in the shelter.
These dogs are LOVED, they are nutured, they are trained. They show their best side and still we search for more than a year for just the right person. Could you be Indica's person?
You may walk by Indica's kennel since she's living in the shelter and may see a dog that's quite the loud mouth. Through previous experiences, we think Indica is a pretty fearful lady. Her loud barks keep new people from getting to know her, but her shelter bestie and plenty of volunteers know the sweet, trail lovin' gal who loves to play in the water, go on adventures and is a true foodie at heart.
When you take a chance on the loud ones, the scared ones, you gain the trust of a dog who's just waiting for you to see into their heart.
Learn more about Indica here:

A true village came together to bring you the Mako we have today. Starting his journey at Austin Animal Center, it becam...

A true village came together to bring you the Mako we have today. Starting his journey at Austin Animal Center, it became clear Mako between his anxiety in the shelter environment causing him to self harm and a tricky skin medical mystery, he was never going to get well in the shelter system.
While there are different accomodations created at APA! during his evaluation process, we also knew that the shelter environment was compounding his behavioral and medical challenges. And that's when a group of high level volunteers, called the Orange Dog Crew, at AAC put out a plea for help to get Mako into a foster home where his needs could be met.
And met they were. His foster parents set him up so he couldn't access the fence line to react to other dogs. They worked closely with the dog behavior follow up team to put a routine in place. They administered the medications he needed to heal his skin. They gave him the place to simply be himself. Can a dog ask for anything more?
So this village is ready to transition him into his happily ever after. They're going to teach you his quirks. They're going to give YOU the tools to reach success. All you need to do is accept Mako for exactly who he is. Be the light at the end of his journey and give a senior dog a soft place to land.


Sometimes a pup earns an undeserved reputation at the shelter that makes it more difficult to find just the right home. Cheddar Cheese, seen with his best bud Bailey, actually came to us through our transport program and ended up staying behind because he absolutely refused to get into a crate. We don’t know his history but he showed some defensive behaviors around being handled, so we worked on management and desensitization and, number 1, trust.
Bailey has been Cheddar’s rock through it all-advocating for equipment (much better on a harness), educating the staff and volunteers on his sensitivities and taking him home for important home notes.
Cheddar Cheese is sensitive guy who needs a person to come into his care with an open heart and mind. In return, you get to love and be loved by a very, very good dog and have an expert in his care by your side. This big lug is looking for love in all the right places-he just hasn’t lucked into it yet. Let’s help him be lucky in love!

Frodo first arrived at APA! in the spring of 2017 and oh, buddy was he a handful in the shelter! For some reason, he tho...

Frodo first arrived at APA! in the spring of 2017 and oh, buddy was he a handful in the shelter! For some reason, he thought watering cans (and other hard plastic inappropriate objects) were the best toys. So that means our consummate professional in the rowdy boys, Carrie, immediately stepped up to the plate!
Carrie is the OG when it comes to dog handling and training, having worked as part of the behavior team for most of her 12 year career at APA! She is never one to step down from a challenge and has been Frodo's number one champion. Through foster and adoption placement, then back to foster, now in the shelter, she gave Frodo the basic obedience he needed to be the best boy in the shelter and supported everyone of Frodo's humans from start to finish.
Frodo is one of the best trained dogs we have, and while his obsession with plastic objects hasn't waned, you can tell senior life in the kennel is getting him down. We want to give Frodo back the love and care and comfort only a home can provide. And how can you say no that eyebrow?! Not to mention, the knowledge and expertise Carrie brings to make sure he's successful in a home!
1,653 days and counting for Frodo in APA!'s care, 546 of those days in a kennel. Let's make that sharp turn in Frodo's journey and find him the home he deserves!

This, our fellow followers, is a Jada appreciation post!! Jada has been living her best life in foster with her friend B...

This, our fellow followers, is a Jada appreciation post!! Jada has been living her best life in foster with her friend Brandie off and on for the past year and half and we've learned so much about her. We already knew Jada was going to do best in a home with just one person, but we also wanted to figure out what that means for dog sitting or if she can be separated from visitors comfortably.
Well, this a stubborn, smart girl that wants things to be her way. Through time and consistency, a couple of her good shelter friends can come over and care for her when her foster has long hours and she's gonna bark when you have visitors over. Look, she's a sassy old lady that likes to keep to her self. Can you blame her?

When you open your heart, mind and home to a dog that takes a little extra, you open yourself to possibility. While Jada may not be the dog for everyone, she's certainly a dog for SOMEONE. Is it you?

Without fosters like Brandie, Jada wouldn't get a shelter break like she has, let alone getting important information about her behaviors in a home. Instead Jada coming back to the shelter when her foster is traveling for work in a couple of weeks, let's see if we can find her a foster or adopter!

Hello fellow friends! It's summer and we're peeling back the curtain to introduce you to the dedicated volunteers and st...

Hello fellow friends! It's summer and we're peeling back the curtain to introduce you to the dedicated volunteers and staff who give their hearts and souls to taking care of the dogs that stay with Austin Pets Alive! the longest. Come along as we give you a little more 'why' these dogs are still with us. Whether it's behavior, medical, a combination or just the fact folks are hesitant to take home a dog that's been in our care for a long time, let's talk about it! Cultivating conversation is why we're here!

I'm Jess and I've been volunteering with APA! since 2012, long before any of the current dogs came into our care, luckily! I've found myself stepping into roles over the years to help the underdogs of underdogs, so the long stay dogs were the perfect fit! 'Helping PEOPLE Help Pets' is a motto I can live by and come with an understanding that there's the right home out there for every dog, even if it takes a while. People are the solution and we have to give them the tool box to give each dog a successful home. When you take a chance on a long stay dog, you not only get a full team of volunteer and staff support, you change the trajectory of the life of a dog most in need. We do a heck of a lot of good work but nothing is ever going to be better than a home-foster or adoptive.

This is my buddy Ursula-she's currently living in foster, and when she was in the shelter, she was my sleepover buddy (probably the first time in a home!) and faithful training partner Every Dog Behavior and Training. Let me tell you, she is a CHARACTER. She's so funny and weird and companionable. She can struggle with her confidence in new situations and with new people, but luckily can overcome her nervousness with you by her side! Parvo survivors will always take a special place in our hearts, especially with their quirks and personality!

Let's spend the summer getting to know the volunteers and staff that know these dogs the best!


With the weather heating up, Magnum wants spend his summer out of the kennel and in a home-pool optional!
Shelter life can take a toll on a tripod and the comfort of a family of his own-and a few soft pillows-make all the difference.
Learn more about Magnum here:


Howdy partners!
Do you need a friend to wrangle your stuffies? How about the other pups in your house? Don’t worry-Cash also wrangles balls!
Cash is ready for companionship, for fun and for a lasting relationship. You will love every minute you spend with Cash!
Learn more about Cash here:

Dress for the job you want, right Kanga?From Kanga’s outfit, we’re going g to guess he’s applying for professional loveb...

Dress for the job you want, right Kanga?

From Kanga’s outfit, we’re going g to guess he’s applying for professional lovebug. He’s got the credentials-there’s not a creature he hasn’t fallen head over heels with. Kiddos, cats, other dogs, foster puppies and all the humans.
Kanga’s career with APA! started long ago when he was found in a field after being shot. His injuries caused him to drag his leg and not always be able to co trip his bathroom habits. Well his bum leg was amputated and Kanga has been living his best life in foster.
Kanga is ready to show you his resume-meet him today! Learn more about him here:


Got a minute? That’s all you need to get to know Bindi from one of her good shelter friends!
A happy-go-lucky gal, Bindi has been waiting for just the right person to see her beauty and awkward grace.
Personality Bindi is not lacking!! Learn more about her here:

Watch out. That tiny blep is gonna get ya!!Newton makes up for his tiny blep with his big heart. He's such a fun guy to ...

Watch out. That tiny blep is gonna get ya!!

Newton makes up for his tiny blep with his big heart. He's such a fun guy to hang around with-sweet and gentle and always up for a fun time, whether that's a walk, a nap or playing with his toys.

Give a sweet dog a chance and meet Newton at our Town Lake shelter today! Learn more about Newton here:

Can you look into Shylee's eyes and ever say no to her? Luckily she's only going to ask for 1 attention, a fun toy to to...

Can you look into Shylee's eyes and ever say no to her? Luckily she's only going to ask for 1 attention, a fun toy to toss around and a snack or two. It's not like she's asking for a new car!

Shylee has been in APA!'s care since Thanksgiving of 2022 and has been living her best life in foster. We can't speak highly enough of adopting a dog directly from foster. Though there's still a transition period going to a new home, she has so much home experience already and will slide effortlessly into your home.

Give a dog a chance! Adopt Shylee!
Learn more about her here:


Taylor Swift-thanks for writing a song about Bernstein!! 😉

It took Bastian 7 years to perfect these puppy dog eyes! What do you think?!Bastian is looking for a new foster or adopt...

It took Bastian 7 years to perfect these puppy dog eyes! What do you think?!

Bastian is looking for a new foster or adopter to keep him out of the shelter. As an older gent, he's got some expectations-lots of naps, time to lounge in the sun and only short times left home alone. We hope that's not too much to ask!

Learn more about Bastian here:

If I close my eyes and make a wish, do you think I'll make it? ~Bastian probably.This young senior is spry, happy and ha...

If I close my eyes and make a wish, do you think I'll make it? ~Bastian probably.

This young senior is spry, happy and has the best puppy dog eyes! Coming back from foster soon, he does struggle with being home alone for more than 4 hours. So if you work half days or can work with our teams, can you keep a senior boy out of the shelter?

Learn more about Bastian here:

Single dog, ready to lay his heart on the line. Good with canine friends and learning about life with humans. As summer ...

Single dog, ready to lay his heart on the line. Good with canine friends and learning about life with humans.
As summer approaches, a lot of our foster parents have plans that won’t allow a foster pup. Don is about to lose his longtime foster and we’re stretching high to find him a place to land that is NOT the shelter.
He’s a sensitive soul that shows his best self around other canines. Humans aren’t always his favorite so having a dog to show him the ropes and some patient fosters or adopters is ideal!
Can you keep a shy boy out of the shelter? Learn more about Dom here:

We love how far Nico has come in the time he’s spent in foster! From being so shut down, he wouldn’t interact with human...

We love how far Nico has come in the time he’s spent in foster! From being so shut down, he wouldn’t interact with humans to being the dog social, snuggle bug he is today!
We’re so grateful for the work his foster has done to help him blossom and be ready for his forever home!
Learn more about Nico here:


Clubby has spent his days in the shelter developing a routine that works for everyone. That’s the benefit of adopting a long stay dog-we know exactly what Clubby needs to be successful-how he likes to go on walks, following a routine for his food placement and making sure all his toys are lined up just right.
When you take a chance with a dog like Clubby, you make a difference for a dog who needs it most.
Learn more about him here:

When it’s a dreary spring day, who can blame a pup for staying in bed? Dandelion has spent the first nine years of her l...

When it’s a dreary spring day, who can blame a pup for staying in bed?
Dandelion has spent the first nine years of her life perfecting her home manners and learning to love with her whole heart. Luckily she’s living her best life in foster care. But circumstances change and her foster is moving out of state in just 3 short weeks. Let’s keep a senior girl out of the shelter! Foster or adopt Dandelion today!
Learn more here:

It's bluebonnet season and Clubby is taking full advantage!!

It's bluebonnet season and Clubby is taking full advantage!!

A little shy, a little happy. A little Rascal!

A little shy, a little happy. A little Rascal!


Drum roll please….

Clef has spent 1475 days in our care. 1475 days figuring out who he is and how he presents himself to the world. 1475 of learning the best home manners and participating in training and field trips galore. But there was something not quite lining up. Then he got his DNA tests back….
Like a true musician looking to come back even stronger, Clef took a little break and decided to come back as…. Bob ‘Clef’ Schneider-he’s already got the following, right?!
We know the right person is out there for Bob Clef. And it’s 1475 days in the making!!
Thanks to Bob Schneider Music for letting us capitalize on your name! 😉

✋High Five✋ for everyone that tells a friend about Chavo!!

✋High Five✋ for everyone that tells a friend about Chavo!!


From one year old to nine years old, Monty has spent too many birthdays with his shelter friends. Through bad luck and circumstances beyond his control, Monty just can’t find a home that sticks.
While he needs to be the only dog in the home, the rest of his needs are very and easily manageable. Let’s make this his last birthday in APA!’s care!
Learn more here:


1156 W Cesar Chavez Street
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 11:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 11:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 11:30am - 7pm
Thursday 11:30am - 7pm
Friday 11:30am - 7pm
Saturday 11:30am - 7pm
Sunday 11:30am - 7pm


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