The Bad Wolf Ranch

The Bad Wolf Ranch We are a private, non-discipline specific barn located in Bethel, Ohio offering Beginner and intermed


Why a cavesson?

Until about a year ago I thought a cavesson was just a fancy piece of equipment that unless you were German or did upper level dressage, you didn't need. Now I recommend them to nearly every client I meet. This is a simplified example of the mechanics at play when we use a cavesson (leading from the top of the nose) vs. a halter (leading from the bottom of the chin). Because the point of contact is different, these two methods affect the horse's head and neck in different ways. And as we know, everything is connected and this affects the rest of the body too.

The rope halter doesn't allow as much innate healthy lateral flexion, because of where we are applying the pressure. The chin and nose come first, and the opposing action of that halter is that it's actually pushing the rest of the head away from you. If you're aware, you can feel this immediately. If the horse is rotating the poll away from us, like in the halter photo, we haven't set them up very well to be able to rotate that poll in the direction of the bend, which is our goal most of the time. The horse has already lost it's balance and we haven't even gone anywhere yet.

The cavesson, by contrast, helps keep the head in better vertical alignment as we apply contact. The ears stay level, and the horse is able to rotate the poll in the direction of the bend. This has implications at the base of the skull, throughout the cervical vertebrae and of course through to the hind legs as well.

I don't mind rope halters, I use them in situations when I think it's appropriate. But if you're doing in-hand work, lunging, asking for bend, or otherwise conditioning your horse, consider how a cavesson might be a more supportive piece of equipment!

I love this dragon so extra right now đź’šđź’šđź’šV***n will be leaving for her new home in the next month! Whereas it's difficul...

I love this dragon so extra right now đź’šđź’šđź’š

V***n will be leaving for her new home in the next month! Whereas it's difficult to let go for us, we are soooo excited for her new family! They already own V***n's half brother, Timber, who was born the same year Corrán was! So cool - we will enjoy watching her grow up from a distance!

In other exciting news, Ethel is now owned by the perfect family! They plan to keep her here and continue to take lessons with her! I'm so excited about this situation!

James and I are both doing well and working on ourselves. Things are changing, and we are excited for what the future will bring đź–¤

Stormy evening.

Stormy evening.

A beautiful day here at the farm! Hope you all had a wonderful day 👻🖤

A beautiful day here at the farm! Hope you all had a wonderful day 👻🖤

What a beautiful day! I even rode outside with a lesson client! I was tired, so I just got on Bubbles ba****ck, but it s...

What a beautiful day! I even rode outside with a lesson client! I was tired, so I just got on Bubbles ba****ck, but it still counts! 🤣

Also a photo of the littlest Cowboys (and Corrán lurking at them on her hay 🤣)

I remember growing up it was rare to see my trainer ride. I never understood why, until I became a trainer 🤣 I don't eve...

I remember growing up it was rare to see my trainer ride. I never understood why, until I became a trainer 🤣

I don't even have a good answer as to why, other than when people are here I am more able to help from and guide from the ground. That's really it.

I also know I learned a lot from watching my trainer ride, so I should try to ride a little more in front of clients to help give them confidence in me, and help them see and learn more.

Good news! I’ve opened up online booking again! What a month. I’m glad time is moving on. Some changes: I will have to b...

Good news! I’ve opened up online booking again!

What a month. I’m glad time is moving on.

Some changes: I will have to be quite a bit more conscious of my time now. If you’re a current client, or have been here before, you may have noticed I’m not good at keeping track of time and tend to go over. Going forward, I will have a babysitter or my kids will have to be outside playing while I give lessons. This simply boils down to, I have to stay aware of my time.

Riding lessons will now be an hour (previously they were an hour + 15 minutes) for $50. If your horse is boarded here, or you come enough and know enough to catch, groom, and tack the horse you will be using, you are welcome to get them all ready for the lesson so that hour is packed with learning!

Groundwork lessons are also an hour, and will be $50. Offsite lessons (previously $40 per hour) will also be $50.

Emo-Ally sessions and leadline lessons are remaining the same. $35 for a 30 minute session.

Ready to schedule? Do so using the link below! I’ll be pleased to meet you! (or see you again!)

I’m not good at charging for my time. This is definitely a job where I wish I could do it for free. However, I have quite a large family and expenses to take care of. No one gets into the horse business to make money, we do it because we love it.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns - thank you!

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We had a pajama/onsie day!!! Things around here seem to be finding a new normal. These people and animals have been a we...

We had a pajama/onsie day!!! Things around here seem to be finding a new normal. These people and animals have been a welcomed brightness during the best of times. Over the past few weeks it's been so helpful to have these wonderful humans and horses in my life. I am hopeful I can keep doing what I do đź–¤

Pickles went to his new home today!!! So heartwarming to see that him and Freja found their homes so quickly! I have suc...

Pickles went to his new home today!!! So heartwarming to see that him and Freja found their homes so quickly! I have such a grateful heart

Let’s play a game… which one is the baby? 🤣

Let’s play a game… which one is the baby? 🤣

The last two weeks have included things I never thought I’d have to experience in a multitude of ways. The support from ...

The last two weeks have included things I never thought I’d have to experience in a multitude of ways.

The support from the local community, as well as far away friends, has been so humbling. After surrendering Freja and Pickles to FCR, they donated a grant they have set aside to me and they asked people to help me with hay. Clients and friends have reached out to offer their support in so many ways. It’s not easy for me to ask for help - but this was clearly the right call on so many levels.

Freja has already found a companion home! She is already there and gets to live out her life as a beautiful companion to an adorable gelding named Robert! She also got on the trailer to head to her new home in about 10 seconds. She is doing so well, it made me realize I was holding her past against her. On her worst days she was a dangerous horse. I’m glad to have learned this lesson, although a bit sad to admit my mistake. This allowed me to see how far she has come. She taught me so much, and I showed her not all humans are bad. She left with more trust in people than she came here with.

Pickles is adorable, sweet, and just super cute! He is also doing well and no doubt will find a wonderful home in no time.

FCR invited me to give pony rides at their big spring event in April!

I talked to my mentor (and second dad). He opened up to me on such a real, incredible level. Where would I be without him? He taught me so much about life and horses. He told me how his grandmother passed away. He shared with me stories of his families life, as well as guidance to help keep me emotionally and spiritually grounded. He also told me I have a gift with horses.

My clients believe in me. They are trusting me to weather the storm as they want me to keep going. They have helped in sooooo many ways. I am humbled.

Another thing I never told you all is I have a training apprentice - she also has been supportive and patient with me during this time. How incredible.

And what is also incredibly important, I am safe. My family is safe. James is safe, and he is taking responsibility for his past and mental health. We are both still interested in having a life together - but He is to work on him right now. It’s become clear that I can do this - and when I say I, I don’t me myself alone. There is no way this would be possible without this incredible community around me.

People believe in me. Thank you. I will never be able to say thank you enough. I’m sure I didn’t get everyone in this post - if I didn’t, I’m sorry I missed you, and thank you 🙏

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Thank you all! George and Jimmy love playing on the hay almost as much as the horses will enjoy eating it 🤣🍕

Thank you all! George and Jimmy love playing on the hay almost as much as the horses will enjoy eating it 🤣🍕

The outpouring of support during this unsure time has been incredibly humbling and amazing. The rescue I surrendered Fre...

The outpouring of support during this unsure time has been incredibly humbling and amazing. The rescue I surrendered Freja and Pickles to have been such a bright spot during this time.

Thanks to everyone who has reached out to us with kind words and support. Some amazing things are blossoming from this difficult and unexpected situation

Fighting Chance rescue has a program called destiny's hay loft. On occasion when needed we make a donation to someone to pay for hay/feed they cannot currently provide. The point is to keep horses and families together when someone is in a pinch. We do have a recipient that we will be offering this to today. We are also just giving a shout out if anybody has any spare hay. This person could greatly use it. Their horses are in no danger they are well fed and cared for but due to a true emergency beyond their control they need a little help. They are located in bethel and have the ability to haul. We would appreciate any support that someone could give her. This person did the responsible thing and immediately rehomed two of her horses to the rescue. We are going to do our best to help her keep her other horses in her family.

*+++++++++++++Destiny's Hay Loft+++++++++++++++++
Destiny, a young mare, was Chance's dam. She and Chance both died of the effects of starvation. FCR maintains a fund to provide emergency feed to horses in mother and son's memory. The fund is distributed by Fighting Chance Rescues main operating funds account. .

An update on Freja! They found a wonderful companion home for her already!!! Even though this was a difficult decision, ...

An update on Freja! They found a wonderful companion home for her already!!! Even though this was a difficult decision, it was clearly the appropriate and wise one. My heart is happy knowing she gets to live with a boyfriend being a horse

This has always been where I’ve been able to find my peace. In their presence. My mind quiets when I’m around them. It a...

This has always been where I’ve been able to find my peace. In their presence. My mind quiets when I’m around them. It always had. I have found new tools to help me in finding peace away from them, which has been an incredible experience. This is Appomattox. He has come so far. He is so calm these days.

I hope I can keep doing this. People say I’m pretty good at it. I love it. I hope horses are a part of my future.

Thank you all. The support I’ve been shown is incredibly humbling. I’ve always had issues with self worth, this experience is proving to me I’m worth it. In case I had remaining doubts.

Edited to add: to those of you messaging myself and James, he is ok. He is safe. Sorry, I should’ve added that bit. I do...

Edited to add: to those of you messaging myself and James, he is ok. He is safe. Sorry, I should’ve added that bit.

I don’t even know how to write this post. I never, ever could’ve predicted what happened in the last week. Never. I don’t want to share details of the situation, the short of it is, my husband was not taking care of his mental and emotional health. I did see this. I tried to relieve pressure off of him. It didn’t work. And now, well, he isn’t here for the time being and I don’t know if he will ever be coming back.

I already had a goal of scaling down the horses I owned. I owned 6, and had a goal of getting down to 4 by this coming winter. I already owned too many, but thought I had time. Without my husband, I don’t have time.

Today, I made the difficult decision to surrender Freja and Pickles to Fighting Chance Rescue. They are very close and know what they are doing. Kim and her team with the rescue were very supportive and helpful. The way she communicated with me helped alleviated the guilt I had for giving up two horses, which I am incredibly grateful for.

I am unsure what will happen with the 4 I have left. I have Bubbles, Ethel, V***n, and Corran. I will likely be looking for a home for Ethel. I would love to keep Bubbles, V***n, and Corran, but I am unsure right now if that will be possible.

To all of those who have been helping me over the last week - thank you. Thank you so much. At times thinking of the outpouring of care and compassion from people has brought me to tears.

How’s your mental health? Overwhelmed? Drowning yourself in escapes like social media? Maybe consider doing something different. Something really for you - not being lazy or complacent, but seeking out new tools for yourself. Be your own advocate. Don’t expect others to change your life for you. You have to do the work, or nothing will ever change. Period.

Hello everyone! For the time being, I have taken the online scheduler down. If you would like to schedule during this ti...

Hello everyone! For the time being, I have taken the online scheduler down. If you would like to schedule during this time, please reach out to me personally. The best way to contact me is via texting. My number is 513 509 6046

I’m sorry for any inconvenience. I will open up online booking when I am able to. Thank you all for your continued support.


It’s a beautiful day out! May all of you have a wonderful day!

It’s a beautiful day out! May all of you have a wonderful day!

Corrán is an interesting one. She can be a space invader and is very lippy. On the other hand, she has had a ba****ck pa...

Corrán is an interesting one. She can be a space invader and is very lippy. On the other hand, she has had a ba****ck pad, surcingle, and now a little saddle on her and she’s never blinked twice at it. No explosions, no worry, no fear. Dreamy dragon for the win, as long as you have a good protection bubble 🤣

Ok, I haven’t shared publicly about this, but had confided in some people and clients. It’s a weird line to walk with ho...

Ok, I haven’t shared publicly about this, but had confided in some people and clients. It’s a weird line to walk with honesty and how much to share. In any case, since I have a solution that is working, I am now in a place with more knowledge and confidence to share.

Bubbles started trying to nip people - it was more prominent in people who were less confident and easier for her to push around (I.e. kids.) I continued to try to fix the behavior for a while, but that was difficult because she didn’t do it with me. I observed the behavior and had trusted people help me to make observations, as I was also interested in finding the root cause of the behavior. I am very grateful to these people and clients who I was honest with, and they didn’t judge me or get scared off.

I had also talked to people more experienced than myself, and did online research. Most if it was not applicable or helpful. The other people who also give or gave lessons said, well, she’s a mare. I agree mares can be more sensitive and difficult. I took it all in and reflected.

other things about Bubbles… she is the bottom of the herd outside of the babies. She was out in a herd of 5-6 and was the bottom. She’s never been one to get very attached to other horses. She doesn’t hang with the herd in the time we’ve had her, even in the winter. I’ll look out and see most of them standing together for warmth. Bubbles? Off on her own somewhere.

Over the last year we really worked to help her find some mental peace, as she had a bit of underlying tension we were working through. In the fall she laid down and slept/rested for the first time since being here. She now lays down pretty regularly.

I felt maybe she wanted more attention. Like the kid that lashes out, but really it’s coming from a place of loneliness or at least emotional in nature. Our farm is set up so that we can turn a horse out and let them wonder between the barn and arena, between all of the fields and things. It’s not a big area, but it is a high traffic area for us. So, any horse in there will get more attention. I entertained the idea of selling her, and started to put out feelers to close people to see if there was any interest. Of course many couldn’t believe it, as Bubbles is a solid horse. I felt though, that if she wasn’t happy in what she was doing, giving lessons, then she may be happier in a home with a single owner where she gets more attention. I think most horses thrive with individual attention, so this didn’t seem a far reach.

We brought Bubbles to the middle, high traffic area and have been letting her live there. I think we are on two weeks now. She loves it! She gets more attention and is so relaxed - almost too relaxed. In her lessons since this change, she hasn’t even given “the look” to anyone! And no attempts or even thoughts of nipping!

This seems so odd. Such a simple change. I have decided to bring Ethel up with her, as Ethel is working through some emotional things also.

I know some people think it’s silly. Some people don’t believe that horses have emotions. I don’t even know how one would go about proving this - but what I have done is tried something, and independently verified it. I have this experience now to help me going forward.

Thanks for the continued support. What a cool journey this is 🖤🫧

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Never underestimate baby steps! I’ve been working with horses for a long time, and the more I learn the more I see that ...

Never underestimate baby steps! I’ve been working with horses for a long time, and the more I learn the more I see that baby steps are not often taken in horse training. I’m not allowing myself to over analyze, as I have a habit of morbid reflection. I am simply doing baby steps for the horses in my care. It is meaningful to them 🖤

Here I am riding Appomattox outside in a rope halter with a lead line. Getting the relaxation as a foundation allows the fancy stuff to happen.

V***n 🦊 and Bubbles 🫧

V***n 🦊 and Bubbles 🫧

Well, it was starting to dry up, then, rain! My mind loves the rain. I find mental and emotional peace in it. However, t...

Well, it was starting to dry up, then, rain! My mind loves the rain. I find mental and emotional peace in it. However, the ground did not need it 🤣

A student/client of mine did a painting of Bubbles and Ethel for me. I think this is the first time I have been downrigh...

A student/client of mine did a painting of Bubbles and Ethel for me. I think this is the first time I have been downright speechless. It was so unexpected. I’m sure I awkwardly stopped and it was odd for a moment. Then my brain reengaged as I thanked her and we continued. Thanks Sophie (and family), this is so meaningful to me 🖤



Ok, I already made a post with cheese for Valentine's Day, but then I came across this photo and couldn't resist giving it some V-Day flare and sharing it! V***n and Pickles have their adorable moments

Happy Valentines Day to all of you from us! The most appropriate definition of love I have heard is, “an interest in see...

Happy Valentines Day to all of you from us! The most appropriate definition of love I have heard is, “an interest in seeing someone be well.” In this light I can find love for everyone. May all of you be well 🖤

We are taking some baby steps with Appomattox to help him find some relaxation with a rider on his back. He is quiet and...

We are taking some baby steps with Appomattox to help him find some relaxation with a rider on his back. He is quiet and pretty relaxed on the ground. We went to riding over the weekend, but he wasn’t relaxed and we struggled to find some relaxation in that circumstance. That evening I went to doing research, because even if I think I know I always love learning more. Most of the advice was the same - and it’s where we started. Monday I decided to put someone on him and give him a few more steps in between ground work and riding. This photo is from day two, and we will continue this as part of his training when able.

Side note: how cool is it that I had my husband play passenger for me on day two?! Also, the person from day one is kinda like my apprentice… How did my life become so dang cool?!

Ok, ok. Always asking yes questions. I first heard this from Warwick Schiller, I think. At least that is when I was first able to start to understand it. I’ve heard this and Kayla reminded me of it over the weekend. It made me rethink this, because we didn’t ask Appomattox a yes question (which was hard for me to admit, because I want to always ask yes questions.) My acceptance of the situation in front of me allowed me to ask Appomattox a few more yes questions. That is redeeming to a horse, I think. They remember what happens when they say no, whether they are given grace, force, or somewhere in between. They develop confidence when they’re given grace and support.

If you read this, thanks! Time is our most important currency ❤️

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Good morning. Let us all count our blessings and remain grateful đź–¤

Good morning. Let us all count our blessings and remain grateful đź–¤

I used a pretty, Sparkly saddle pad for Roanoke today! He literally eye rolled me when I told him how cute he looked 🤣

I used a pretty, Sparkly saddle pad for Roanoke today! He literally eye rolled me when I told him how cute he looked 🤣

The horses here love my throwing arm 🤣👀🙄🤓

The horses here love my throwing arm 🤣👀🙄🤓


Secrets of people who do amazing stuff:

5) People who do amazing stuff don’t start out doing amazing stuff. They do stuff first. Then they do more stuff.

You need to do stuff before you do amazing stuff. Do that stuff.

Alternate use for a saddle: Head scratcher! They're all getting a bit itchy with the warmer weather rolling in! I am lea...

Alternate use for a saddle: Head scratcher! They're all getting a bit itchy with the warmer weather rolling in!

I am learning some mental discipline, or trying. I took the Facebook App off of my phone because I find every time I pick my phone up, I end up on Facebook. Doesn't matter what I was doing or did, I just open it and mindlessly scroll as an escape. Well, no more! I may be a bit quiet, but don't worry, we're still kicking around here! Developing healthier habits for bodies and minds - we support the horses in this way, time to start training myself as well 🤣

Hey, Corrán, why the long face? 🤣🤓🤣She doesn’t think I’m funny.

Hey, Corrán, why the long face? 🤣🤓🤣

She doesn’t think I’m funny.


“The ones that are mentally fractured take even more time to put back together again than starting them slow.”


Bethel, OH


+1 513-509-6046



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