River City Aquatics

River City Aquatics Welcome to River City Aquatics! An Austin Homegrown retail aquarium shop specializing in marine reefs

New arrivalsCoral Beauty AngelsAuriga ButterfliesKeyhole AngelFemale Squarespot AnthiasBlue Spotted BoxfishHumu TriggerG...

New arrivals

Coral Beauty Angels
Auriga Butterflies
Keyhole Angel
Female Squarespot Anthias
Blue Spotted Boxfish
Humu Trigger
Greenback Fairy Wrasses
Leopard Wrasses
Copperband Butterflies
Foxface Rabbits
Naso Tangs
Scopas Tangs
Lyretail Anthias
Yellow Mimic Tangs
Clown Tang
Convict Tangs
Scissortail Goby
Blue Gudgeons
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Sea Hares
Long Spine Urchins
Nassarius Snails
Tiger Cowries
Tiger Conches
Calico Crabs

New arrivalsMarbled Cat SharkBlue Eye Kole TangsHippo TangPowder Blue TangsPowder Brown TangSailfin TangsPanther Grouper...

New arrivals

Marbled Cat Shark
Blue Eye Kole Tangs
Hippo Tang
Powder Blue Tangs
Powder Brown Tang
Sailfin Tangs
Panther Grouper
Pintail Fairy Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Bicolor Angelfish
Tailspot Blennies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Diamond Gobies
Green Mandarins
Yellownose Prawn Gobies
Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Turbo Snails
Emerald Crabs
Margarita Snails
Red Leg Hermits
Bumblebee Snails
Nassarius Snails

We are affected by the Spectrum statewide outage. We are open normal hours today, our registers are fully running. Unfor...

We are affected by the Spectrum statewide outage. We are open normal hours today, our registers are fully running. Unfortunately we do not have phone service to the shop, but y’all are welcome to chat in person or message us through FB.

We will be closing early today for 4th of July celebrations. Our hours are 10am to 3pm, we will resume normal business h...

We will be closing early today for 4th of July celebrations. Our hours are 10am to 3pm, we will resume normal business hours Friday. So be sure to grab anything you may need early.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

New Arrivals:Eibli AngelAdult and Juvenile Imperator AngelsYellow AngelTo***co BassletLawnmower BlenniesMidas BlennyPaja...

New Arrivals:

Eibli Angel
Adult and Juvenile Imperator Angels
Yellow Angel
To***co Basslet
Lawnmower Blennies
Midas Blenny
Pajama Cardinals
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Hector Gobies
Yellownose Prawn Goby
Blue Hippo Tangs
Blue Indigo Hamlet
Tomini Tang
Fire Shrimp
Sand-Sifting Starfish
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Pink Margarita Snails

New Arrivals:Lamark AngelBicolor BlennyTribal BlennyStarry Blenny Zebra BlennyBangaii CardinalBlack Bar DamselYellow Tai...

New Arrivals:
Lamark Angel
Bicolor Blenny
Tribal Blenny
Starry Blenny
Zebra Blenny
Bangaii Cardinal
Black Bar Damsel
Yellow Tail Damsel
Engineer Goby
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Spotted Hawkfish
Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish
Volitan Lionfish
Saddle Puffer
Orange Spot Rabbitfish
Yellow Rabbitfish
Flasher Scorpion Fish
Blue Eye Tang
Niger Trigger
Rectangle Trigger
Red Leg Hermit
Money Cowry
Sea Hare

New Arrivals:Royal Gramma Green Clown GobyDiadema PsuedochromisLawnmower BlennyStarry BlennyTail Spot BlennyPajama Cardi...

New Arrivals:
Royal Gramma
Green Clown Goby
Diadema Psuedochromis
Lawnmower Blenny
Starry Blenny
Tail Spot Blenny
Pajama Cardinal
Pearly Jawfish
Oriental Sweetlips
Blue Eye tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Southern Puffer
Spiney Box Puffer
Erectus Sea Horses
Emerald Crab
Sponge Crab
Porcelain Crab
Fighting Conch
Peppermint Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Small Sea Hare
Nasssarius Snail
Ninja Snail
San Sifting Starfish
Pin Cushion Urchin

New ArrivalsBicolor AngelsFox FacesDussumieri TangsBicolor ChromisScissortail DartfishSix Line WrassesRoyal Pencil Wrass...

New Arrivals

Bicolor Angels
Fox Faces
Dussumieri Tangs
Bicolor Chromis
Scissortail Dartfish
Six Line Wrasses
Royal Pencil Wrasse
Bursa Trigger
Banggai Cardinals
Zebra Eel
Spotted Moray
Snowflake Eels
Clown Tang
Steinitz Goby
Bird Wrasse
XL Green Mandarins
Orange Shoulder Tang
Sexy Shrimp
Tuxedo Urchins
Nassarius Snails
Sally Lightfoots
Halloween Urchins
Chocolate Chip Stars
Tiger Conchs

New Arrivals:Black Semi-storm ClownfishBlack Storm ClownfishFrostbite ClownfishMocha Ocellaris ClownfishBlack  Ocellaris...

New Arrivals:
Black Semi-storm Clownfish
Black Storm Clownfish
Frostbite Clownfish
Mocha Ocellaris Clownfish
Black Ocellaris Clownfish
Regular Ocellaris Clownfish
Gold Nugget Maroon Clownfish
Snowflake Clownfish
Gold Snowflake Clownfish
Neon Goby
Flame Scallop
Blue Leg Hermit
Black Margarita Snail
Cleaner Shrimp
Mexican Turbo
Emerald Crab
Ghost Shrimp
Grafted Montipora
Freak Nasty Montipora

30% OFF ALL MAROON CLOWNFISH! Stop by today or tomorrow to check out our beautiful selection of designer maroon clownfis...

30% OFF ALL MAROON CLOWNFISH! Stop by today or tomorrow to check out our beautiful selection of designer maroon clownfish. Sale until close 6/22.

New Arrivals:Bluestreak GobyClown TangConvict TangsFox FacesGreen ChromisHector's GobyRainfordi GobiesFuzzy Dwarf Lionfi...

New Arrivals:
Bluestreak Goby
Clown Tang
Convict Tangs
Fox Faces
Green Chromis
Hector's Goby
Rainfordi Gobies
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
Sexy Shrimps
Melanurus Wrasse
Scopas Tangs
Racoon Butterfly Fish
Orange Striped Bristletooth
Yellow Dogface Puffer
Green Mandarin Gobies
Nassarius Snails
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Halloween Hermit Crabs
Anemone Crabs
Purple Crabs
Orange Starfish
Sand Sifting Starfish

New Arrivals: Pajama CardinalsYellow Watchmen GobiesZebra EelPowder Brown TangPowder Blue TangMargarita SnailsCerith Sna...

New Arrivals:
Pajama Cardinals
Yellow Watchmen Gobies
Zebra Eel
Powder Brown Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Margarita Snails
Cerith Snails
Bumble Bee Snails
Star Astrea Snails
Red Leg Hermits
Banded Starfish
Fire Shrimps
Harlequin Shrimps
Fire Shrimps
Cleaner Shrimps
Galaxea Coral
Freak Nasty Montipora

New arrivals:Chocolate Mimic TangScopas TangMata Tangs (sm)Powder Brown TangsStriped Bristletooth TangFoxface RabbitsMar...

New arrivals:

Chocolate Mimic Tang
Scopas Tang
Mata Tangs (sm)
Powder Brown Tangs
Striped Bristletooth Tang
Foxface Rabbits
Marine Catfish
Clown Trigger (sm)
Green Mandarin Gobies
Halrequin Sweetlips
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Filament Flasher Wrasses
Bicolor Angels
Yellow Heraldi Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Eiblii Angels
Copperband Butterflies
Kleins Butterflies
Blue Devil Damsels
Longspine Urchins
Tuxedo Urchins
Pink Pincushion Urchins
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Tiger Cowries
Money Cowries
Indonesian Octopus
Sea Hare
Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Green Emerald Crabs
Astrea Snails
Mexican Turbo Snails
Blue Leg Hermits
Red Leg Hermits
Scarlet Hermits
Feeder Ghost Shrimp

New arrivalsColored AnglerRoyal GrammasSailfin BlenniesBanggai CardinalsCoral Beauty AngelsPixy HawksHalf Black Mimic Ta...

New arrivals

Colored Angler
Royal Grammas
Sailfin Blennies
Banggai Cardinals
Coral Beauty Angels
Pixy Hawks
Half Black Mimic Tangs
Canary Blennies
Zebra Bar Gobies
Carpenter Wrasses
Stocky Anthias
Firefish Gobies
Diamond Gobies
Hippo Tang
Redfin Fairy Wrasses
Sea Horses
Arrow Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Porcelain Crabs
Peppermint Shrimp
Pin Cushion Urchins
Sand Sifting Stars
Blue Leg Hermits
Strawberry Hermit
Halloween Hermits
Red Leg Hermits
Margarita Snails
Nassarius Snails
Astrea Snails
Cerith Snails

New Arrivals:Orange Sea HorsesBicolor AngelsFox FacesTwo Barred Rabbit FishWhite Spotted Rabbit FishRainford GobiesSpott...

New Arrivals:
Orange Sea Horses
Bicolor Angels
Fox Faces
Two Barred Rabbit Fish
White Spotted Rabbit Fish
Rainford Gobies
Spotted Hawkfish
Basket Wrasse
Panther Grouper
Blue Spot Grouper
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
Talbot Damsels
Zebra Lionfish
Spotfin Lionfish
Steinitz's Goby
Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasses
Filamented Fairy Wrasses
Pink Spotted Watchmen Gobies
Red Line Wrasses
Powder Brown Tang
Lipstick Naso Tangs
Moorish Idols
Square Anthias
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Wyoming White Clownfish
Black Ocellaris Clownfish
Gold Nugget Maroon Clownfish
Orange Ocellaris Clownfish
Percula Clownfish
Semi Onyx Clownfish
Black Snowflake Clownfish
Snowflake Clownfish
Gladiator Clownfish
Premium Picasso Clownfish
Spotted Grunt
Tuxedo Urchin
Pin Cushion Urchin
Chocolate Starfish
Sexy Shrimp
Arrow Crab
Emerald Crab
Horse Shoe Crab
Pithos Crab
Red Leg Hermits
Large Hermits
Strawberry Hermits
Mantis Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp

New arrivals:Flameback AngelRhino Leather Jacket FilefishFirefish GobiesAiptasia Eating FilefishYasha GobiesClown TangSc...

New arrivals:

Flameback Angel
Rhino Leather Jacket Filefish
Firefish Gobies
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Yasha Gobies
Clown Tang
Scopas Tangs
Powder Blue Tang
Lawnmower Blennies
Starry Blennies
Engineer Gobies
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Porcelain Crabs
Pink Margarita Snails
Blue Leg Hermits
Tiger Pistol Shrimp

Emperor Angel JuvieBlue Throat Fairy WrasseEiblii AngelHectors GobiesPurple PseudochromisWhitetail Bristletooth TangsSco...

Emperor Angel Juvie
Blue Throat Fairy Wrasse
Eiblii Angel
Hectors Gobies
Purple Pseudochromis
Whitetail Bristletooth Tangs
Scopas Tang
Flame Hawks
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Starry Blennies
Halloween Hermits
Harlequin Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Pink Margarita Snails
Red Leg Hermits
Pom Pom Crabs

New arrivalsPowder Blue TangUnicorn TangScopas TangYellow Coris WrassesMcCoskers WrassesNebulous WrassesOrnate Leopard W...

New arrivals

Powder Blue Tang
Unicorn Tang
Scopas Tang
Yellow Coris Wrasses
McCoskers Wrasses
Nebulous Wrasses
Ornate Leopard Wrasses
Red Lined Wrasses
Moorish Idols
Zebra Gobies
Engineer Gobies
Pinkspot Watchmans
Dragon Goby
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Forktail Blennies
Coral Beauties
Porcupine Puffer
Two Bar Rabbits
Volitan Lionfish
Green Chromis
Striped Eel Catfish
Sexy Shrimp
Sally Lightfoots
Nassarius Snails
Trochus Snails

New arrivals:Red Spotted BlenniesGold Midas BlenniesTailspot BlenniesLawnmower BlenniesStriped CardinalsPajama Cardinals...

New arrivals:

Red Spotted Blennies
Gold Midas Blennies
Tailspot Blennies
Lawnmower Blennies
Striped Cardinals
Pajama Cardinals
Pink Smith Damsels
Orchid Dottyback
Ruby Red Dragonette
Firefish Gobies
Spotted Sharpnose Puffer
Clearfin Squirrelfish
Scarletfin Squirrelfish
Yellow Belly Blue Hippo Tang
Abdopus Octopus
Derasa Clams
Red Leg Hermits
Bumble Bee Snails
Pink Margarita Snails
Mexican Turbo Snails
Fire Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

We received some new Indo Euphyllias yesterday. Dragon Souls, Green Torches, Gold Tip Frogspawns, Green Frogspawns, Holo...

We received some new Indo Euphyllias yesterday. Dragon Souls, Green Torches, Gold Tip Frogspawns, Green Frogspawns, Hologram Hammers, and more.

New arrivals:Copperband ButterfliesSix Line WrassesTwo Tone WrassesDragon WrasseCoral HogfishLawnmower BlenniesGreen Chr...

New arrivals:

Copperband Butterflies
Six Line Wrasses
Two Tone Wrasses
Dragon Wrasse
Coral Hogfish
Lawnmower Blennies
Green Chromis
Bicolor Chromis
Yellowtail Damsels
Yellow Line Snappers
Valentini Puffers
Stars and Stripes Puffers
Squareback Anthias (M/F)
Coral Beauty Angels
Green Mandarins
Panther Grouper
High Hats
Arrow Crabs
Emerals Crabs
Sally Lightfoots
Blue Leg Hermits
Red Leg Hermits
Grey Leg Hermits
LG Red Hermit
Strawberry Hermit
Peppermint Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp
Astrea Snails
Cerith Snails
Nassarius Snails
Ninja Astreas
Serpent Stars
Pin Cushion Urchins
Tuxedo Urchins
Sea Hares

New arrivals:Convict TangsPowder Blue TangScopas TangsSpringeri DamselsDiamond Sleeper GobiesSteinitz GobiesTarget Manda...

New arrivals:

Convict Tangs
Powder Blue Tang
Scopas Tangs
Springeri Damsels
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Steinitz Gobies
Target Mandarin Gobies
Twinspot Gobies
Purple Pseudochromis
Fiji Blue Spotted Puffer
Narrowline Puffer
Harlequin Sweetlips
Striped Sweetlips
Malcolor Snapper
Panther Grouper
Orbic Batfish
Copperband Butterflies
Sixline Wrasses
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp

New Arrivals:Coral Beauty AngelsMimic TangsTomini TangsTwospot Bristletooth TangsMulticolor WrassesBlack Leopard Wrasses...

New Arrivals:
Coral Beauty Angels
Mimic Tangs
Tomini Tangs
Twospot Bristletooth Tangs
Multicolor Wrasses
Black Leopard Wrasses
Yellow Flank Fairy Wrasses
Antenna Goby
Red Spot Tail Gobies
Sailfin Blennies
Blue Gudgeon Dart Fish
Powder Brown Tang
Gold Rim Tangs
Scopas Tang
Unicorn Tang
Spotted Cheek Surgeon Tang
Harlequin Sweetlips
Green Mandarins
Dog Face Puffer
Green Chromis
Domino Damsels
Three Stripe Damsels
Copper Band Butterflies
Yellowfin Surgeon Fish
Yellow Coris Wrasses

Powder Blue TangsNaso Tangs (sm)Blue Hippo TangsLongnose ButterfliesCopperband ButterfliesSixline WrassesDiamond Sleeper...

Powder Blue Tangs
Naso Tangs (sm)
Blue Hippo Tangs
Longnose Butterflies
Copperband Butterflies
Sixline Wrasses
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Narrowline Puffers
Valentine Puffer
Picasso Trigger
Lamarcks Angels
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Steinitz Gobies
Springeri Damsels
Twinspot Signal Gobies
Ruby Red Scooter Blennies
Green Bubbletip Anemones
Fire Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Blue Coral Crabs
Tiger Pistol Shrimp

New arrivals:Three Lined WrassesBlue Head Fairy WrassesExquisite WrassesDusky WrassesFive Stripe WrassesRed Line Wrasses...

New arrivals:

Three Lined Wrasses
Blue Head Fairy Wrasses
Exquisite Wrasses
Dusky Wrasses
Five Stripe Wrasses
Red Line Wrasses
Carpenter Wrasses
Huchtii Anthias
Convict Tang
Naso Tang
Blue Bar Gobies
Neon Gobies
Pinkspot Watchman Gobies
Valentine Puffers
Blue Dot Sharp Nose Puffers
Longnose Butterfly
Banggai Cardinals
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Dianas Hogfish
Harlequin Sweetlips
Snowflake Eels
Longhorn Cowfish
Walking Batfish
Ocellaris (M)
Ocellaris (S)
Black Ice Snowflakes
Snow Storms
Black Snowflakes
Semi Onyxs
Gold Stripe Maroons
Gold Nugget Maroon
Gold X Lightning Maroons
Horseshoe Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Pithos Crabs
Pom Pom Crabs
Sally Lightfoots
Purple Reef Lobsters
Tuxedo Urchins
Pincushion Urchins
Peppermint Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp
Red Brittle Stars
Fighting Conchs
Ninja Astreas
Astrea Snails
Nassarius Snails
Blue Leg Hermits

New arrivals:Bicolor BlenniesForktail BlenniesLawnmower BlenniesTailspot BlenniesLong Horn CowfishPajama CardinalsDiamon...

New arrivals:

Bicolor Blennies
Forktail Blennies
Lawnmower Blennies
Tailspot Blennies
Long Horn Cowfish
Pajama Cardinals
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Firefish Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Arc Eye Hawk
Blue Hippo Tang
Sailfin Tangs
Halloween Hermits
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Candystripe Pistol Shrimp
Cerith Snails
Mexican Turbo Snails
Tiger Sand Conchs

New arrivals:Convict TangsClown TangPencil WrassesYellow Coris WrassesEightline WrassesSmalltail Pencil WrassesMelanurus...

New arrivals:

Convict Tangs
Clown Tang
Pencil Wrasses
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Eightline Wrasses
Smalltail Pencil Wrasses
Melanurus Wrasses
Fuzzy Dwarf Lions
Domino Damsels
Yellowtail Damsels
Green Chromis
Lawnmower Blennies
Foxface Rabbits
Gold Spotted Rabbits
Black & White Heniochus
Zebra Bar Gobies
Blue Gudgeons
Lyretail Anthias
Banggai Cardinals
Sexy Shrimp
Pincushion Urchins
Emerald Crabs
Red Leg Hermits
Blue Leg Hermits
Turbo Snails
Margarita Snails
Ghost Shrimp (Salt & Fresh)

New arrivals:Emperor Angel (juvie)Blue Hippo TangsDiamond Sleeper GobiesPowder Blue TangsFlame HawkSailfin TangsCopperba...

New arrivals:

Emperor Angel (juvie)
Blue Hippo Tangs
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Powder Blue Tangs
Flame Hawk
Sailfin Tangs
Copperband Butterflies
Green Mandarin Gobies
Ruby Red Blennies
Steinitz Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Longhorn Cowfish
Valentine Puffer
Harlequin Sweetlips
Malcolor Snapper
Anemone Crabs
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp

New coral arrivals.

New coral arrivals.

New arrivals:Blueface Trigger (male)Lyretail AnthiasFu Manchu LionZebra LionsHarlequin SweetlipsCoral Beauty AngelsBicol...

New arrivals:

Blueface Trigger (male)
Lyretail Anthias
Fu Manchu Lion
Zebra Lions
Harlequin Sweetlips
Coral Beauty Angels
Bicolor Angel
Heraldi Angels
Japanese Swallowtail Anel
Threadfin Butterfly
Green Mandarin Gobies
Redline Wrasses
Sixline Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasses
Finespot Compressa Toby Puffers
Snowflake Eel
Angler Frogfish
Sargeant Majors (Pacific)
Yellowtail Damsels
Green Chromis
Sea Hares
Nassarius Snails (Tonga)
Pom Pom Crabs
Halloween Hermits
Chocolatechip Starfish
Brittle Stars
Sand Sifting Stars
Arrow Crabs
Pithos Crabs
Green Emerald Crabs
Caribbean Porcelain Crabs
Orange Slipper Lobsters
Atlantic Seahorses
Peppermint Shrimp
Nassarius Snails (Florida)
Star Astrea Snails
Red Leg Hermits
Blue Leg Hermits
Black Margarita SNails
Pencil Urchins
Freshwater Ghost Shrimp
Rock Flower Anemones
Vietnam Zoas
Red Sea Blue Maxima Clams
Orange Fungias
Duncan Frags
Blueberry Gorgonian Frags
Aussie Highlighter Torch Frags


12108 Roxie Drive Ste. A
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm




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