Dog Trained

Dog Trained DogTrained. Positive Play. Canine Success.


One Spot left: TRICKS FOR TREAT!!
Start date: July 14 Sunday 11:45-12:45pm, six consecutive weeks, 4 dogs per class, located at 4906 Wisconsin Ave NW. Washington DC. Tricks include Sit Pretty, Roll Over, Take a bow, Clean up toys, Crawl, Push, Weave, Spin, Shake, High Five, Cross your paws, Wipe your Paws and more! Use shaping, luring, capturing and targeting to start. variety of skills or advance them if you have already working on your tricks titles or just having fun.


Animal Behavior Wellness Center is looking for dogs to enroll in a clinical trial investigating an oral supplement and its effects on separation disorders. Please share!

Does your dog experience behavioral issues when you leave the house? Does he/she tremble, vocalize, pant excessively, or become destructive? Has your dog been diagnosed with separation anxiety? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please contact us about enrollment in our double-blinded, placebo controlled, fully funded study. This is a completely remote study, so you don’t have to worry about bringing your dog into the clinic and adding to his/her anxiety.

This study provides you with a high-resolution, Wi-Fi enabled, audio/video recording device for use during the study to capture and send behavioral videos to Dr. Eng for evaluation. As part of our thanks for your enrollment, you will keep the recording device and receive a *$200 Amazon Gift Card at the completion of the 30-day study.

Scan the QR code or visit for more information. Thank you for helping to promote the behavioral wellness of our best friends.

Animal Behavior Wellness Center
Treatment. Training. Compassion.

11230 Waples Mill Road
Suite 125A
Fairfax, VA, USA 22030
888.438.0788 ext.1

A little caffeine on a beautiful, rainy, New Year's Day and I have the best new game for us this year!  What would you a...

A little caffeine on a beautiful, rainy, New Year's Day and I have the best new game for us this year! What would you add to your dog's Bingo card?


Management is something every trainer I know talks about - it’s one of the first conversations I have with clients. Baby gates, x-pens, leash tethers, the list goes on…

I’ve always thought I was good at finding adaptive solutions but today I walked into a lesson and was blown away by the genius of my client! Their dog is a big boy who loves to counter surf, but also struggles with being confined.

Look at this beautiful AND creative solution they came up with! This is a portable ping pong net 🤯 I am so in love with this and was so impressed with their ingenious idea.

You can find them on Amazon - get one while you can because I think this is gonna be a new trend 😂


Dogs behave the way they do for many reasons. They do NOT do things deliberately to be stubborn or ‘naughty’, nor do they aim to assert control. Outdated mythologies and training methods have detrimental effects on well-being and strain the relationship between a dog and their caregiver.

🧬A dog's breed and genetic makeup can play a significant role in determining certain behavioural traits. Dogs have genetic predispositions and breed-specific tendencies that contribute to their behaviour.
Some breeds are predisposed to specific behaviours, such as herding, hunting, or guarding.

The environment in which a dog is raised and lives can profoundly impact their behaviour. Early socialisation, which involves exposing a puppy to a wide range of people, animals, and environments during their critical developmental period, is crucial for building confidence and shaping a dog's social behaviour to reduce fear or aggression.

Overstimulation can cause all kinds of unwanted behaviours as it overwhelms their senses and can lead to hyperactivity or erratic responses. For example, if a dog is exposed to loud noises, multiple people, and various stimuli all at once, or on a daily basis, they might exhibit excessive excitable behaviour, poor impulse control, become agitated and exhibit behaviours like jumping, barking, or pulling on the leash, as their senses are overwhelmed by the excessive input.

Previous experiences and learning consequences can influence a dog's behaviour. Traumatic experiences, in particular, can lead to fear, anxiety, or aggression.

How a dog is trained and educated by their caregiver or handler can significantly affect their behaviour. Consistent, positive reinforcement-based training can lead to desired behaviours, while harsh or inconsistent methods can result in confusion or fear.

A dog's health, including their physical and mental well-being, can influence their behaviour. Illness, pain, or discomfort can lead to changes in behaviour.

A dog's emotional state, including fear, anxiety, and excitement, can affect their behaviour. For example, a fearful dog may display unpredictable defensive reactive behaviours or might avoid any encounters and run away trying to hide. While a confident dog may exhibit playfulness and a relaxed demeanour.

A dog can become frustrated and destructive if their mental and physical needs are not met. This dog, full of pent-up energy and boredom, may become frustrated and exhibit poor impulse control. In their frustration, they might resort to destructive behaviours, such as chewing furniture, digging up the garden, or incessant barking. This destructive behaviour is often an expression of their frustration and an attempt to alleviate their built-up energy and mental stress.

The type of diet a dog receives can significantly influence their behaviour, with high-quality nutrition promoting better energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, while poor diet choices can lead to issues like irritability, hyperactivity, or digestive problems.

As dogs age, they may experience canine cognitive decline, which can manifest as changes in memory, learning, and behaviour. This condition can lead to increased confusion, disorientation, and altered social interactions in older dogs.

It is really important to understand that each dog is unique, and their behaviour can vary widely, even within the same breed. Dogs use body language, vocalizations, and other forms of communication to express their needs, emotions, and intentions. Understanding a dog's communication cues is essential for interpreting their behaviour.


It's not a judgement of their love or your worth - just their mood in the moment!


Sunday Funny!

The sentiment behind this trainer's words are in my heart every time I train.

The sentiment behind this trainer's words are in my heart every time I train.

I don’t use pain or fear to teach Sidney, and I never will...

Precision and crispness in behaviours are important to me, detail and consistency are paramount in my training and I spend everyday in search of these goals.

I’ve watched all sorts of training techniques in this pursuit as I believe you can learn something from everyone. I’ve seen some exceptional training with some (not all) of the crispest behaviours I’ve seen have being taught in a ways that I wouldn’t choose to use.

But why not?

Because emotion is everywhere, it’s weaved though life and is inextricably linked to tasks, people, places, sounds, colours and inanimate objects.

I love maths... But do I love it because I’m good at it? Or am I good at it because I love it? Or maybe, just maybe... I was tutored in a way where I was setup to succeed and rewarded for my successes.

A debt I owe to Mr Townsend, to him I was a single student, already forgotten. To me, he’s the only maths tutor I can remember.

How we train, what we train has an emotional contingent, whether we like it or not. As the trainer our methods form and shape a huge part of that emotional picture.

A picture in which we are also present!

Ultimately, when I get down to the nub of the issue. These IS something more important than precision to me... and that’s the relationship I have with my boy.

When I reach out for Sidney, I don’t want one single hair on his silly little head to ever doubt my intention. I want him to know I would never hurt him and to trust, beyond any question, that my hands are a place of warmth, security and love.



If you’ve recently welcomed a puppy into your life, you’re probably keen to start introducing them to other people and other dogs as soon as possible, during that all-important ‘socialisation window’. ⏲️🪟🐕

But what should socialisation actually look like?

🤔 Does your puppy really need to meet dogs of all different ages, breeds, and temperaments in order to learn the right etiquette?
🤔 Do you actually need to work through a checklist of different people, animals, events, and environments for your puppy to experience in the first few weeks?
😬 Or could that actually overwhelm them and knock their confidence and optimism?

The traditional view of ‘socialisation’ would have you believe that you have a critical window in which to expose your puppy to as many experiences as possible, to prepare them for everything they are going to encounter in life. The truth is, this approach relies on exposure and it can really go quite wrong for a lot of dogs, no matter their age. It is what we would call training IN the situation, before your pup has the skills and knowledge FOR that situation.

At absoluteDOGS, we know socialisation is actually an opportunity to cleverly show your puppy that the world is a safe place that they can navigate with you by their side. It’s not about a checklist of things to expose your puppy to… It’s really an opportunity to provide your puppy with a foundation of optimism, confidence, and value in YOU (not the environment and everything it has on offer)! 🐾😍

Socialisation is a life-long event in many ways. We should be regularly training for novelty and non-events, preparing our dogs for real-life scenarios, and doing that over a more extended time period – all while growing optimism, confidence and disengagement skills. We’ve got to be our dog’s guardians, their protectors, and learn when to say “no” to socialisation to guard their carefully grown optimism! ✨✅💪🐶

Keen to learn HOW to get socialisation right from the start and grow confidence and optimism for your puppy (or rehome, rescue, foster or existing family dog)? ✨💖

🔗 Check out our FREE eBook on ‘Socialisation’ in our Secrets to Raising A Puppy: The absoluteDOGS Way resource bundle!

🔗 And head over to our absoluteDOGS TV YouTube channel to find our video on How to Smash Through Your Puppy's Socialisation Checklist!

This post is a beautiful example of how rescues can take care of the needs of the canine and humans that come through th...

This post is a beautiful example of how rescues can take care of the needs of the canine and humans that come through their lives. Rescues that can be a safe space for as many times and as long as needed for each individual in their care are rescues that I can support.

July 4.  Fireworks.  They’re coming. Have you thought about how to help prevent or minimize your pups noise sensitivity?

July 4. Fireworks. They’re coming. Have you thought about how to help prevent or minimize your pups noise sensitivity?

Soundproofing a dog crate. Sounds easy, right? It's not. Even the most skilled DIY-er can't overcome physics. Don't waste your time or money.

"The secret to healthy dog play is found in the pauses, when one dog stops."

"The secret to healthy dog play is found in the pauses, when one dog stops."

Watching dogs play well together is one life’s greatest joys. One of my essential criteria when looking for a dog to replace Willie was whether he played well with Maggie. We tried two dogs out before we found Skip, neither of whom had any interest in playing with Maggie. Maggie ignored one, and h...

No dog park for us today.

No dog park for us today.

28 Likes, 3 Comments - | Certified Dog Trainers () on Instagram: "No dog park today. "


Behavior is complicated. It stems from genetics, from experiences, from health, from environment... from everything, really. Well, everything *except* a value of your worth as a dog owner - or their worth as a dog.

Think of behavior as communication, not a judgement.

[image description: a black and white dog sits underneath a gauge with an arrow pointing to the center. Text reads "'Behavior is a barometer.' Kathy Murphy. Think of your dog's behavior as communication, not a judgement of their (or your) worth"]

Love this class with Dr Amy Cook!  We took it, live it and recommend it!

Love this class with Dr Amy Cook! We took it, live it and recommend it!

Is your dog brilliant at home but shuts down at the show? Or does he bark and lunge at people or dogs on walks? Does she seem generally stressed, whether frantic about it or quiet and vigilant? All of these common behaviors can be addressed through Therapeutic Social Play!


🔗 in bio to enroll!

Check out a great class by one of our other local (ish) trainers!

Check out a great class by one of our other local (ish) trainers!

You’ve only got TWO MORE WEEKS to sign up for Gone With The Wind - our four week class focused on helping you build a reliable recall!

When you have a dog who doesn’t come when called - right away, please! - it can fall anywhere between “a little annoying” and “a matter of life and death.”

It’s time to get started on making life a little easier, a little less stressful, and a little safer.

Gone With The Wind starts Monday, March 13th with a virtual lesson, and then we hit the road!

Sign up today!


* Bringing this post out of the vault, because it’s so important * 👇🏻

I think it’s common to think that when our dog is unruly, there is something wrong with them. 

Especially when we look around us and see perfectly behaved pups strolling happily down the street with their owners. 

But the truth is…

Everything your dog does is NORMAL. 




Pulling on the lead…

Lunging at other dogs or joggers…


It’s all NORMAL. 

This is  a normal response for a predator (because that’s what dogs once were) that got plucked out of their natural environment and dropped onto your sofa. 

What’s not normal? 

Walking on a leash at a mind numbingly slow pace as you stare at your phone…

NOT chewing things, or mouthing you…

Holding a sit stay or a down stay as you chat to a friend…

NOT losing their mind around another dog. 

Sure selective breeding has curbed some of the more natural responses our dogs have…

But the truth is…

Your dog’s behavior is a NORMAL response to them trying to adapt to an environment that truthfully is NOT normal for them. 

So tell me…

What does that shift for you? 

Because your dog isn’t “Bad”. There’s nothing wrong with them. Everything they are doing is completely normal.


4906 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington D.C., DC


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On Adventure!

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