Ridl Equine Acupressure & Holistic Wellness

Ridl Equine Acupressure & Holistic Wellness Equine Acupressure point work and medical massage gun bodywork sessions by a trained practitioner. I will not start traveling until travel fee has been paid.


Travel fee must be paid prior to appointment via venmo or other online pay service but venmo is preferred. Accepted forms of payment for travel fee: VENMO, CASH APP, FACEBOOK PAY (Working on a website which will offer payments to be paid thru square which allows many payment options)

Session maybe prepaid or paid at time of service. Accepted forms of payment for prepaid sessions: V

Accepted form of payment at conclusion of your session: CASH Preferred ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL OR BUSINESS CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED
you may also pay via vemmo, Facebook pay or cash app. Gift certificates and/or Gifted sessions are available. Accepted forms of payment CASH, Venmo, FB pay, and CashApp

Please cancel no less than 12 hours in advance. The prepaid travel fee will be transfered towards the rescheduled appointment. If you do not cancel and I have traveled to the appointment all prepaid funds will be forfeited by the client and funds will not be transferable to future appointments. Acupressure Work & Bodywork services provided by Jody, of Ridl Equine Acupressure & Holistic Wellness, LLC does not constitute as or replace the need for veterinary care.

One of my favorite and tried and true successful holistic nutrition approaches when it comes to horses is the use of her...

One of my favorite and tried and true successful holistic nutrition approaches when it comes to horses is the use of herbs.
One of the herbal dry mixtures concoctions I have seen horses consistently and noticeably improve recovery time between competition as well as thrive on due to this mixtures ability to boost immune system and its anti inflammatory properties is what I call ZIPPY GARLIC.

ZIPPY GARLIC is a mixture of Garlic, Eucommia Bark, Kelp, Schizandra Berries, Astragalus, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Chamomile, Burdock Hawthorne Berries, and several other ingredients I include in my super secret recipe.

ZIPPY GARLIC is a dried herbal mix that looks similar to loose dry tea. It very easy to use or introduce to your horses diet.
I suggest starting with maintence protocol:
Start with a pinch two times daily in feed or grain. Wet the horse’s grain with honey water, apple juice or water. Increase until the horse eats 3 TBS two times daily for 30 days, and then use 3 TBS once a day 6 days a week.

Pre Event or Travel: 3 TBS twice daily two days prior, day of and day after, then return to maintenance dose.

If you would like to order a 2 pound bag of ZIPPY GARLIC, I am taking pre-orders now as I am waiting for the ingredients. A 2 pound bag is $50 shipping is included in the price. My tracking info says I should recieve my items first week of March so should be mixed, packaged and shipped out from me by March 15th, I will notify everyone if there are delays. Discounts on orders larger than a 2 pound bag, contact me here for information on orders 5 pounds or more.

Follow and keep up with my page below as I will be launching some new herbal products and well as sharing info on other beneficial mixtures.

Question: Can you define a killing frost? Is the best practice after a killing frost to remove horses for a week and the...

Question: Can you define a killing frost? Is the best practice after a killing frost to remove horses for a week and then give them access to pasture again? I'm concerned about both horse and grass health.

Response: A killing frost (or hard freeze) is defined as a frost sufficiently severe to end the growing season. The National Weather Service defines a hard freeze when temperatures fall below 28F. We recommend pulling horses from pastures for 7 days following a killing frost to allow time for the nonstructural carbohydrates to decrease and return to more normal levels.

The decision to graze again after a killing frost depends on the condition of your pasture. After a killing frost, no additional regrowth of the pasture will occur, even though the pasture might appear green. If your cool-season grass pasture is taller than 3 to 4", then grazing can resume 7 days after a killing frost and can continue until the pasture is grazed down to 3 to 4". However, if your pasture is already grazed down to 3 to 4", then no grazing should occur after a killing frost. The 3 to 4" minimum height recommendation is necessary to help maximize winter survival and can help predict a vigorous and healthy pasture come spring. We do recognize horses rarely grazing uniformly and pastures tend to have areas of both over- and under-grazing. Therefore, owners need to base decisions on the average appearance of the pasture.

People can have apprehensiveness about if things like this work or if they are at all effective in comparison to modern ...

People can have apprehensiveness about if things like this work or if they are at all effective in comparison to modern western medicine. Well, if your dealing with some stress, go to the store and pick up some lemon balm type tea... make yourself some and drink it... do it for a week. (We all know stress hangs around) but now a week later step back and look at how you feel with all the stress in your life, you WILL notice you feel different.
👉One of the simplest ways to add herbs into your horses diet is the use of Herbal teas.
Safe, effective and tasty use the herbal tea to dampen down your horses feed.

👉You can use fresh or dried herbs (even herbal tea bags). Use 1oz of herb to 300-500ml of hot water. Leave to steep over night and use.

You can mix different herbs together some nice combinations are

👍For digestive system =Peppermint, chamomile, fennel seed, meadowsweet.

👍For the nervous system =Lemon balm, chamomile, vervain, oat.

👍For a cough =Thyme, plantain, mullein, elecampane.

👍For immune system = Rosehip, cleavers, calendula.

Nutrition is one of the most important things involved with your horses health and happiness. Horses have a complex dige...

Nutrition is one of the most important things involved with your horses health and happiness.
Horses have a complex digestive system in a sense that they can’t just be fed the way humans want to feed them. Their anatomy has evolved in a way for them to absorb nutrients and break down food, differently from those of a cat or a dog.

Changes don’t happen overnight, and good health can take time.

I wanted to dive into the topic a little bit because I wanted to share a series of photos of a unhealthy, hard to keep weight on OTTB that had just come to start his new life as a cross country horse with his new family.
Despite feeding this horse high fat food, larger quantities and numerous fat and weight supplements, he was not improving. They estimated per month in the 3 months they have been struggling to keep weight during his new lifestyle, schedule and training, had probably averaged $450/month on supplements,, additives, gimimics. He was up and down and always scraggily looking.

Just one month into proper nutrition, quality and GOOD food, changed BeeBee's entire body condition. It was a major improvement. Keep in mind this was also at end of brutally hot summer when horses tend to struggle a little bit with the fluctuations in weather and schedules.

BEeBee's feeding program is simple and sweet - but extremely effective.

Every horse is different, and some horses do just fine on what their fed - but I wanted MORE then that for my horses. I wanted their health to be maximized in the most healthy way possible to help them feel and look their best

Horses with proper nutrition tend to be happier, have less behavioural problems, recover faster and perform better💙

Have your horses diet Analyzed by a certified Equine holistic nutritionist - to maximize your horses health!

I offer free analysis to really determine if you NEED a consult.
And new for Winter 2021 is PRE MADE Feed plans
At a lower cost, you are provided with a feed plan for basic nutritional needs such as (performance, easy keeper, maintenance etc)
Pre Made Plans are fantastic for the client looking to ensure their horses nutrition is maximized and minimal problems with their health or well being.

I have your feeding program revamped within 3 or 4 business days with a complete break down for both cost and ingredients!

💙Consults are just $125 but currently running. A new horse client special promotion and new service special promotional pricing for a short time. Message me for details. Truly can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run by removing unnecessary products💙

This is Brudda, his owner and I worked together to create a nutritional plan designed for just him, his needs for traini...

This is Brudda, his owner and I worked together to create a nutritional plan designed for just him, his needs for training and competition and his lifestyle. HIS feeding program is simple and sweet - but extremely effective.
Nutrition is the foundation for EVERYTHING, proof is here in these two photos.
No bits, no shoes, no blankets, no gimmic supplements can fix poor or inadequate nutrition.

Horses with proper nutrition tend to be happier, have less behavioural problems, recover faster and perform better💙

Have your horses diet Analyzed by a certified Equine holistic nutritionist - to maximize your horses health!

I offer free analysis to really determine if you NEED a consult.
And coming winter of 2021 is PRE MADE Feed plans
At a lower cost, you are provided with a feed plan for basic nutritional needs such as (performance, easy keeper, maintenance etc)
Pre Made Plans are fantastic for the client looking to ensure their horses nutrition is maximized and minimal problems with their health or well being are being monitored.

I have your feeding program revamped within 48 hours with a complete break down for both cost and ingredients!

💙Consults are just $125 normally but running a new horse client and new service promotional pricing.... Truly can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run by removing unnecessary products💙

AnnouncementI am now a TRAINED & CERTIFIED HOLISTIC EQUINE NUTRITIONIST.  My goal is to help you feed your horse for the...

My goal is to help you feed your horse for their specific life. Don’t let the word holistic fool you, horses aren’t meant to eat unnatural things! It is not a cookie cutter process, just like us each horse is different and their bodies need different plans. Did you know it is actually cheaper to feed your horse right?
I have seen going back go what a horse needs diet wise affect them in so many ways and I have seen incredible results when we look at each individuals horse in a detailed manner.. Please text or message me for consulting. I can build you a specific plan for your horse, or send you one I have. I can’t wait for everyone’s horses to truly feel their best inside and out! I plan on keep the surprises coming!!

Has many different meaning and seems to get a few raised eyebrows... but really it's one word that can take on those eye brow raising reasons but for the most part... this is what holistic means:
a. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.

b. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts: holistic medicine; holistic ecology.

2. (Medicine) of or relating to the medical consideration of the complete person, physically and psychologically, in the treatment of a disease

In health care, a term used to describe treatments of the whole person: mind, body and spirit.
1. incorporating or identifying with the principles of holism: holistic psychology.

2. pertaining to or using therapies outside the mainstream of orthodox medicine, as chiropractic, homeopathy, or naturopathy

I set a goal a couple weeks ago to continue my education, to become certified or trained in new procedures and sciences ...

I set a goal a couple weeks ago to continue my education, to become certified or trained in new procedures and sciences with the goal of being able to increase the types of service I can provide my horse clients and their people.
I am so excited! Like really abnormally excited for this, likely because this was step 1 goal of a 10 step goal program with exciting life changes at the coumpletion and of course as I navigate each goal.
There is something about accomplishing goals you set faster that the timeline you provided for yourself!!

Stay tuned I will be making the big announcement shortly!! I might even give some info of what it is because if anyone knows me I will take the least traveled path most of the time... no different with this!

We all need goals, but I think wanting to be a Unicorn is truly the best goal anyone could chose for themselves.
"Someday I'll be a unicorn!"

Applicable and understandable Equine Anatomy

Applicable and understandable Equine Anatomy

Bodywork... has so many advantages

Bodywork... has so many advantages

Core strengthening and postural stability are desired outcomes of certain therapeutic exercises performed in horses. A recent study, conducted at the University of Tennessee, aimed to quantify changes in muscle activation at a walk and trot in horses traveling over eight consecutive ground poles evenly spaced in parallel fashion in a straight line, and with hindquarter and abdominal elastic resistance bands applied at 25% stretch. Researchers found that the use of ground poles at a walk resulted in an increase in the longissimus dorsi and re**us abdominus muscles. The use of ground poles at a trot resulted in an increase in the re**us abdominus muscles. The hindquarter and abdominal elastic resistance bands resulted in an increase in the left re**us abdominus muscle.
These findings provide support regarding changes in muscle activation when using ground poles to increase core and epaxial muscle engagement. While an effect on core muscle activation was identified with the elastic resistance bands at a trot, further research is needed to further characterize their effects on muscle activation. For more information about this research visit https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103772

Acupressure is: • Gentle and effective• Non-Invasive• Safe• Preventative Therapy• Complementary to western medicineAcupr...

Acupressure is:
• Gentle and effective
• Non-Invasive
• Safe
• Preventative Therapy
• Complementary to western medicine
Acupressure is not intended as a substitute for the advice, diagnosis or treatment of a veterinarian.

Acupressure benefits the physical, emotional and mental energies of the equine.

Muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments benefits:
*Relieves pain, stiffness and spasms
*Reduces swelling and inflammation
*Improves body flexibility and mobility

Immune System benefits:
*can help stimulate immune system, build and strengthen
*aids in resolving and preventing illness
*provide benefits for horses that suffer from chronic illness

Benefits to Circulation:
*increasing blood supply and promotes toxin removal
*aids body in being able to heal and resolve injuries faster
*helps reduce pain

Balances energy
*Supports the body's natural ability to heal

Reduces fear, anxiety and stress. Beneficial for horses dealing with:
*new environment
*new owner
*new horses on the property
*added stress from horse shows, training and traveling
*can help calm and relax before maintance such as vet appointment, dental work and farrier visits
*anxiety due to past traumatic injury

3. Mental benefits
Enhances mental clarity and focus
*competitive athletes

Since all horses are physiologically different, our approach should always aim to complement each unique body type
Available services and fees:

1. Acupressure point work in conjunction with use of medical massage gun . Sessions includes everything listed under new client or established client info with the addition use of a medical massage gun used on the body to help relax and alleviate any tense areas and help further alleviate muscle soreness.

1a. New client/horse. INITIAL VISIT $130 Time varies. Plan for 2.5 hours may be less.
The owner must be present at the initial session.

Session includes a thorough assessment of the horse, which includes:
*a general history and background (injuries, medical procedures, health condition, how does the horse interact and respond to people, esp owner/rider, any noticed behaviors, training, diet, overall lifestyle of the horse)
*daily life (living conditions: pasture, pen, stalled with turn out, daily routine, training schedule, competition schedule, diet/nutrition, water intake, any noticed daily behavior, emotional state)
*review of recent injuries, medical conditions
*discussion of current concerns
*an overall physical evaluation
*selection of acupressure points based on provided information and physical assessment
*acupressure point work given
*Body work session with a medical grade massage gun
*a summary of items discussed, point work given, post session recommendations

1b. Established horse client sessions visits $100. 45 minutes to an hour.
Includes an assessment based on the following:
*review of any changes (physical, emotional, mental) since previous acupressure session
*discuss current concerns/condition
*overall physical observation
* selection of acupressure points based on observations
*acupressure point work given
*Body work sessions with medical grade massage gun.
*a summary of items discussed, point work given, post session recommendations

2. Acupressure point work only:
New client/horse. INITIAL VISIT $95 Time varies. Plan for 2 hours may be less.
The owner must be present at the initial session.

Session includes a thorough assessment of the horse, which includes:
*a general history and background (injuries, medical procedures, health condition, how does the horse interact and respond to people, esp owner/rider, any noticed behaviors, training, diet, overall lifestyle of the horse)
*daily life (living conditions: pasture, pen, stalled with turn out, daily routine, training schedule, competition schedule, diet/nutrition, water intake, any noticed daily behavior, emotional state)
*review of recent injuries, medical conditions
*discussion of current concerns
*an overall physical evaluation
*selection of acupressure points based on provided information and physical assessment
*acupressure point work given
*a summary of items discussed, point work given, post session recommendations

2b. Subsequent visits: $75 30 to 45 minutes
Includes an assessment based on the following:
*review of any changes (physical, emotional, mental) since previous acupressure session
*discuss current concerns/condition
*overall physical observation
* selection of acupressure points based on observations
*acupressure point work given
*a summary of items discussed, point work given, post session recommendations

3. Pre-competition session. $75. 30 to 45 minutes. Includes targeted point work customized to the individual horse and the event. Along with use of the medical massage gun.

In most cases, your animal will need more than one treatment to minimize or resolve an issue. Chronic conditions, for example, take quite a while to present themselves in the body; therefore, it will take some time for the body to heal and lessen or resolve the condition. Acupressure, like Reiki, is a gradual process. Progress and follow-up will be discussed with the owner at each visit.

Travel fees: An additional travel fee may apply.
Mileage $0.50/mile - split amongst routes and humans.
***Trips may require a headcount minimum.***
Ask about options that reduce or eliminate travel fees.

Standard service area: North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota & Wyoming.
Expanded service area: willing to travel anywhere in the US via HOST session large group appointments, minimum number
of horses required, travel fees and lodging provided or lodging expense to be paid (when applicable).

To purchase a gift certificate, get more information or schedule an session, please contact:
Jody Ridl , Certified Equine Acupressure practitioner & Equine Body Worker at 701-260-0059 (text is preferred will return text or call back during time between clients), or via email: [email protected]

Session maybe prepaid or paid at time of service.
Cash or venmo payment is accepted. Cash is preferred. No checks.
Travel fee must be paid prior to appointment via venmo or other online pay service but venmo is preferred. I will not start traveling until travel fee has been paid.
Please cancel no less than 12 hours in advance. If travel is prepaid, the payment will be transfered towards the rescheduled appointment. If you do not cancel and I have traveled to the appointment all prepaid funds will be forfeited by the client and funds will not be transferable to future appointments.

Gift cards & gifted sessions are available

Important note: Equine bodywork and horse massage, proper saddle fit, and saddle reflocking are not substitutes for proper veterinary, dental and farrier care. Consult a qualified and appropriate equine health care professional for proper treatment.

1. Multiple horse discounts available.

1. Ask about the current new client specials
2. Ask about referral program and the benefits of referring friends and family.


Help your horse have the best bodywork session by following these guidelines

I try to help the owner, myself and the horse set up a session for success. Horses know when their environment is conducive to releasing tension (physically and mentally) and restriction in the muscles of the body. What makes the bodywork merhods I use different from many other forms of bodywork is that the horse I attempt to get the horse to partake in the sessions as much as he/she can be asked for. The horse tells us where to go, what to do and even what pressure we should use or not use! A typical session can last anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours. It’s completely dependent on the horse. Here’s just a few things you can do to prepare your horse for a wonderful and beneficial bodywork session:

1. Be on time with your horse. Please have your horse and his environment ready when your practitioner arrives or if you are hauling to my facility or a host facility, arrive early making sure you give you and your horse are ready right before the session is scheduled to begin.
Doing so will give them the opportunity to dedicate as much time needed for your horse before they have to move onto the next session, your next horse or onto other appointments.

2. Turn out before a session can help free their mind and body so they feel ready to give of their time. Turn out right after the session is highly recommended and will allow their body to adjust to the bodywork and the tension it has released. If you can’t turn your horse out after the session, a brisk 15 minute hand walk will suffice. The horse will need at least the next full 24 hours off all work in most circumstances, if unable to give 24 hrs of let me know and we will discuss services I offer that do not require a full 24 hrs off.

3. Cool muscles respond best to bodywork techniques I use! Refrain from a workout just before a session. You may ride/work your horse before their session, as long as you give their muscles a few hours to cool down.

4. If the session is taking g part at your place: A clean level stall works best. Please be sure to remove any urine or manure before the session. Fresh sawdust or bedding will soak up any urine expressed during the session. Urinating during a session is quite common and may also happen more than one time. As the muscles relax, the organs may do the same. Taking your horse from the sympathetic state to the parasympathetic state can cause great relaxation and urinating and defecating are some things they may do, just to name a few. Some horses may lay down during a session and your practitioner will be kneeling on the ground for some of the techniques. Removing any food sources helps to keep distractions down. Water provided is great! One result of a successful bodywork session is: an increase in water intake.. most horses will want to drink immediately after or may take water during an shirt break during the session. No stalls? No worries! The session can also be done in a run-in shelter or a shady level place in the pasture or paddock.

5. Refrain from petting or interacting with your horse during a session. Many times, horses are hesitant to release tension and will look for ways to block out what’s happening in their body. Petting makes it easy for them to block out the release. It’s also very important for your Bodyworker to focus on your horse. Watching their body language tells them exactly what pressure to use, where to go next and if they’re ready for a particular technique. Please don’t feel you’re being ignored if I can’t engage in conversation, all my attention is concentrated on your horse to ensure the best result possible.

6. Try to schedule your session during quiet times at the location. Feeding, turn in/turn out time, and busy times such of these are not ideal. Though we can certainly work through these situations, it’s easier for the horse to focus on the session without interruptions. This includes but is not limited to, minimizing distractions, such as avoiding high barn traffic times and containing unruly children. At event appointment we can work around the hustle and bustle and every effort possible will be taken to provide the most relaxed atmosphere for you and your horse.

7. Have your horse’s buddy and/or buddies nearby. Horses take more comfort in numbers and are much more open to releasing tension in the body when they feel the support from the herd. You may also see herd mates taking advantage of the session and begin releasing as well! If hauling, feel free to haul along your horse's buddy, esp in horses that are highly anxious, reactive and of course noticeably herd bound or buddy sour... relaxing your horses is after all the number 1 goal.

8. A flat nylon or leather halter works great! Rope halters may cause unwanted pressure during the session. No worries if you don’t have one, I can provide this.

9. Be sure your horse has been fed. This will help the horse stay focused during their session. Give him some time to settle into his stall or the location where the session will take place. Horses are constantly assessing their environment. A few minutes for them to do so, relaxes the mind and saves time.

Selenium and Vitamin E:  The Dynamic Duo All Horses Must Have For Proper Muscle Function and Suppleness "I love my horse...

Selenium and Vitamin E: The Dynamic Duo All Horses Must Have For Proper Muscle Function and Suppleness

"I love my horse...... but........."

"OMG.... My horse is always so stiff. They feel like cement." "My horse has so much trouble bending." "My horse has muscle spasms." "My horse always seem sore." "My horse just does not want to move, but they don't appear to be lame."

If I had a dollar for every time I had the "selenium/vitamin E conversation" with horse owners, I would be a rich woman.
This dynamic duo is not an optional or "nice to have" mineral/vitamin combo for horses. Many horse owners are not aware this duo in the correct amount is critical for normal muscle and cell function. Your horse will be stiff as a board without it! If they do not get the correct amount on a daily basis, you are literally wasting your time stretching, training, having proper saddle fit, getting your horse's feet done and seeing the vet. Here's why.....

I WILL Give The Short Story (no complex chemistry)
1. Selenium and vitamin E work in partnership to play the role of antioxidant aka "free radical neutralizer" and support the immune system.
Oxidation is the process by which fats, carbohydrates and proteins are converted into carbon dioxide, water and the energy needed for the horse's body to function.
However, as part of the normal oxidation process, a by-product called free radicals is created. If free radicals are not neutralized, they can damage and destroy the cell structures.

This often results in the horse's muscles feeling hard like cement, muscle spams, soreness and tightness throughout the horse's body and even poor coat quality or loss. The horse has a very difficult time doing their job regardless of their discipline because the cells and muscles are not able to function properly. Sometimes the horse even appears to be lame. Often times riders mistakenly think there is a saddle fit issue, behavioral issue, or injury. While any of these items can also be present, ensuring the horse is getting the required amount of organic selenium and vitamin E daily is a critical step in problem solving.

How Much Selenium and Vitamin E Does a Horse Need Each Day?
The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has recommended that the average 1000 lb adult horse needs 3 mg of organic selenium and 500 IU (international units) of vitamin E daily. Some horses even need a bit more selenium and vitamin E. For example, I know some horses that need 4 mg of selenium and 3000 IU of vitamin E each day. Also, some horses who have been deficient for a long period of time may need a selenium booster shot in addition to their daily dose. ​

​​Since every horse is an individual, it is best to work with your vet and/or equine nutritionist to determine your horse's needs. Doing a blood test for both selenium and vitamin E is an option to consider if you think your horse may be deficient. Too little or too much selenium and vitamin E can have equally bad consequences.

How to Calculate Your Horse's Selenium and Vitamin E Intake
While vitamin E is found naturally in fresh grass, levels begin to drop the moment grass is cut for hay. In addition, many soils around the world are deficient in selenium, so the hay or pasture grass does not have enough selenium content. Therefore, supplementation is necessary. If you do need to supplement, I strongly recommend organic selenium as it is more easily absorbed by the horse. I have clients who thought they were doing the right thing and giving their horse additional selenium, but it was inorganic and not very effective due to lack of absorption. Also, your horse must have the proper amount of both selenium and vitamin E. They work in partnership, so one without the other in the proper amount will not yield great results.

In order to calculate how much selenium and vitamin E supplementation is necessary (If any) for your horse, look at all the feed tags and other supplements your horse receives and add up the selenium and E amount in each dose. You may even want to test your hay. Unfortunately, most grain and supplement manufacturers provide the selenium level in their products in ppm (parts per million) per pound. So, you have to do a bit of math to determine how many milligrams your horse is receiving in each dose. Don't worry....Help doing this calculation is close at hand!

You can also click here for the selenium calculation formula.

I hope you find this important horse health information helpful. Do you provide additional vitamin E and selenium to your horse? Do you have any questions about selenium and vitamin E? Let us know by posting a comment here or go to our page to start a discussion, to ask questions, learn tips and tricks, discover the benefits of Holistic Wellness, Acupressure and other forms of Equine bodywork. I also post my travel schedule and would be happy to discuss traveling to your area.


Rejuvenate SmartScrimBreathable mesh infused with far-infrared emitting mineralsFabric emits far-infrared rays keeping b...

Rejuvenate SmartScrim
Breathable mesh infused with far-infrared emitting minerals
Fabric emits far-infrared rays keeping back muscles warm and relaxed
Features 90 magnets (1100 gauss) over key acupuncture points for stimulation of those areas – In ancient (and current) Chinese medicine, acupuncture is performed by using one’s own blood to re-inject over targeted acupuncture points. The reasoning for this method is because the body takes quite some time to re-absorb its own blood after being placed in targeted areas – Therefore, prolonging the benefits. We have selected these magnets to serve to the affect by pulling the blood to those targeted areas which will continually stimulate those areas during and after the SmartScrim is worn.
Each magnet is enclosed in a soft cushion for enhanced comfort
Sheet harmonizes bodily functions safely and naturally, stimulating recovery time, promoting blood circulation, increasing oxygen flow, and ultimately reducing pain and stiffness
Available in 68″, 74″, 78″ and 82″
This retails for $349.95
Introductory pricing of $315.00

Message me for details and to purchase

I am hoping to put in a Benefab order in the next two weeks.
Let me know if you would like to order or if you would like a list of products and pricing.


Rapid City, SD



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