Oh My Spood

Oh My Spood ONLY adorable jumping spiders! °•●●•° 💕


Little baby regal i3.

So a couple weeks ago I came across this beautiful male jumping spider.  He has since been identified as being a Maevia ...

So a couple weeks ago I came across this beautiful male jumping spider. He has since been identified as being a Maevia inclemens or demiorphic jumping spider. The males of this species have 2 different morph colors which is unusual for jumping spiders! Well' apparently there's now a 3rd morph color! Which is what I found here. I just documented him on inaturalist. Because they're unidentified right now and apparently rare sight. The pics do not do him justice and my camera isn't the best. But here are some pics of this little cutie! Has anyone else came across this morph? I'd like to know. :)


This & That by Jennifer

I have Phidippus princeps. Finally see the little babies. 😍 here's an example of a male and female

I have Phidippus princeps. Finally see the little babies. 😍 here's an example of a male and female


So far I have 4 babies who have molted to i3! 3 are from miley cyrus' first sac. And 1 from Lisa Frank's first sac.

Here's some fathers day spood ai pics for anyone to use! Made through bing.

Here's some fathers day spood ai pics for anyone to use! Made through bing.


Working live

I have a few jumping spiders avaliable for adoption right now. If you're interested in more information just let me know...

I have a few jumping spiders avaliable for adoption right now. If you're interested in more information just let me know. These will be for local meet up only. in located in north carolina, lexington. Thank you! ❤️


She is stunning I swear! I can't wait to see her babies. This is my adorable regal Emma.


Hey everyone the entries for the Giveaway are officially closed. Stay tuned for the Live Event🌸Good luck guys🍃 This is so exciting and I’m so glad so many wanted to participate in this COLLAB GIV£AWAY.

Here's some more cute ai pics. ❤️

Here's some more cute ai pics. ❤️


❤️🕷SORRY SO LONG!! I just wanted to get out a bunch of stuff in one post. °•●●•°


So I will be having bolds (Phidippus audax), dark Apalachicola and orange phase regals, (Phidippus regius), regal/Canopy hybrids ( Phidippus regius/Phidippus otiosus), princeps (Phidippus princeps), and colonus. Also possible apache(Phidippus apacheanus), and Phidippus mystaceus. But that all depends on if they decide to lay fertile eggs or not. Let me know what you'd be interested in! If I don't have anyone interested in some of my native species then I will be letting the babies go outside once they get bigger. Because I have ALOT of mommas. :) Alot of people don't realize that this is basically a full time job. I have 3 young children and my husband works full time. So my only free time I get to myself is at night after the kids go to bed. So after 9 closer to 10 pm. I start feeding and giving water to all of my spooders. This process is so far taking at least 2 hours sometimes longer! It's alot. And most people don't realize that. So yea it's a full time job. And I'm doing it because I wanna share with the world these sweet and adorable babies! My goal in all of this: is to hopefully help people get over their fears of spiders. Starting with jumping spiders. This is how I've gotten over my fears. My motto is: if I can at least reach 1 person and help them overcome their fears then this is all worth it! I used to have extreme arachnophobia and jumping spiders practically cured it. Even wolf spiders who i used to be completely terrified of I will catch and release. I've even held some and they are so sweet, gentle, and misunderstood. And I now have so many spiders... jumpers and other kinds besides jumpers. So I'm a testament to getting over your fears. Sorry I'm really bad with wording things and can ramble ALOT. Lol bare with me.) I have ADHD and ASD so I can get that way.) To conclude all of this GIANT story.😅😂 If anyone has any questions or needs help with anything. Feel free to comment here or reach out directly to me. (let me know here that you have sent me a dm sometimes I don't see it and it doesn't let me send a message first.) I will try my very best to help you and answer any questions or concerns you may have.


🏳️‍🌈Pride Ģ❗️♈️Ɛ@🔱@Ÿ🏳️‍🌈

Considering that this month is Pride month, We are hosting a Pride month g❗️♈️ea🔱ay with some amazing brɛəders!! Everyone matters. Everyone counts. Whether your opinions are different or not, there is 🚫no room🚫for hate in the world at all. Love is love. This month is to show case love for the LGBTQ+ community. Mystic Labyrinth is beyond grateful to apart of the LGBTQ+ community. We love you all. 🫶

📆Starts today & ENDS friday the 14th MST. Drawing on LIVE AT 630PM mst

We are hosting this with Gypsy's.Souls , Queso's Spoods , & Kit's Critters 🖤 We all put together amazing prizes for 4 different winners! & shout out to Gypsy's.Souls for giving us this idea!

👇How to enter👇


- You must be Following all of us on our FB!【Mystic Labyrinth, Gypsy's.Souls, Quesospoods, Kit's Critters】
-Then comment "Done 🏳️‍🌈" or "Done🌈" We will check this yall!

🫛That's it ....EASY PEASY! 🫛

🎉Feel free to share the post if you'd like🖤

📢 Scammers are nothing new. But please don't click on ANY LINKS. we will go live an announce the winners!. You will not be announced in the comments. You be be announced on LIVE with our random generator! Sad to have to say this. Beware of scammers!!!!!🫤

Lastly, if anyone ever needs to talk our door is always open for you 🏳️‍🌈

Awesome sale from a friends page!! If tou want a Jumper now. My babies are still growing so they won't be ready for a wh...

Awesome sale from a friends page!! If tou want a Jumper now. My babies are still growing so they won't be ready for a while. So I do recommend this person! ❤️ The Bee's Eight Knees


Ugh ignore my nasty nails... look at this little baby Regal/Canopy from my momma Lisa Frank. First molt since coming out of the egg sac. So its an i3 now. Seeing white spots now. So cute.

Little baby first to molt. Regal/Canopy hybrid baby.  Its not an i3. Still so tiny. ❤️

Little baby first to molt. Regal/Canopy hybrid baby. Its not an i3. Still so tiny. ❤️

Momma "Miley",finally came out to eat. I had to snap a quick pic of this beauty. I can't wait to see her babies grow. 🕷❤...

Momma "Miley",finally came out to eat. I had to snap a quick pic of this beauty. I can't wait to see her babies grow. 🕷❤️


Omg guys I just hit 1'000 followers! This is a big achievement for me. I appreciate all of yall!! Thank you so much! ❤️ 🕷 °•●●•°

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Will Dean, Ken Orba Stone, Mercedes Schneider, Erica Both...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Will Dean, Ken Orba Stone, Mercedes Schneider, Erica Botha, Chad Ferreira, Kat Von Dehl, Brittany Giron, Brandi Hayden, Ashe Sargeant, Gilbert Arnold, Jessica Bass, Roy Faulkner, Hallenbeck Msureen, Marie Thibodaux, Bob Conroy, Lynn Cobb, Shelly Ferguson, Robin Cooper, Bethany Haytcher, Christian Richard, Sarah C. Dillman, الفلاح الماهر, Stephanie Deann, Diane Lee Campbell, Marlinda Thorpe

Emma my orange mommy put and about away from the kids for a bit lol. She is my mommy who wants to just stay with them an...

Emma my orange mommy put and about away from the kids for a bit lol. She is my mommy who wants to just stay with them and not leave. So I guess I will have to separate them once they start emerging. ❤️( yes that's a dubia carcass)



I made some ai images with bing. Feel free to use any of them you like!! Happy Pride Month everyone!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

I made some ai images with bing. Feel free to use any of them you like!! Happy Pride Month everyone!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️




I think this is a very important question we as br33ders MUST address 🙌🏻
And if you’re like many wondering the answer to this question, I’m hoping to bring insight to you today.
Like most things we buy today…jumping spider ad0ptions are no different, and this comment comes up A LOT —> “why would I p@y that amount when I can just catch my own outside from the wild…”
While this is absolutely true, you CAN do that.
But let’s think about this:
You COULD also give yourself a tattoo right instead of going to a professional.
You COULD also pick wild flowers instead of buying them at a plant nursery.
I could list SO many examples how we could rationalize why we could do many things ourselves and go the “cheaper” way.
But remember too, you p@y for what you get, and going the cheapest route is not always the best.
Let me give some insight on what I’ve personally experienced as I’ve stepped into br33ding:

✨Raising captive jumping spiders takes TIME ✨
So much time goes into raising captive jumpers. Babies are raised from the egg sacs. This isn’t just a couple days y’all, it’s monthssss of hard work and dedication to these babies. It’s endless nights feeding and misting (most nights I’m up until 2-3am doing this) Misting 100+ babies every single day takes a lot of time. Cleaning out their deli cups of dead fruit flies. Putting together 100+ deli cups with hides and plants for them to have a safe space as they grow..this also takes countless hours of time.
And time is precious to everyone.
When you clock in for your job, you get p@id for your TIME.
It’s the same for br33ding, and is factored in with the ad0ption cost. Br33ders should absolutely be p@id for their time.

💕Raising captive jumpers requires CARE 💕
You could go out and catch yourself a wild jumper and keep as a pet… but did you know br33ders pour their hearts and souls into caring for captive jumpers and raising them? This ensures longevity of the spider’s life. Most wild caught jumping spiders live up to a year, but captive jumpers can live anywhere from 1-3 years. This is because they have not been exposed to things in the environment that would shorten their life spans.
Another behind the scenes care br33ders ensure is socialization. This is simply a matter of care that cannot be done by just catching a wild. This requires hours and hours dedicated to working with captives to be comfortable being handled with their owner.
This is factored into the ad0ption cost, as it should be.
It’s no different than any other pet you would ad0pt. You’d want the same for a puppy br33der, reptile br33der etc.. it’s no different for jumping spider br33ders ☺️

Endless endless sacrifices are made to ensure jumping spiders find their forever homes. And honestly, br33ders don’t make hardly any m0ney from ad0ptions. Personally, I’ve come to know the upfront costs to br33ding. Fruit flies weekly cost, deli cups, shipping materials (boxes, hot/cold packs/ insulation, labels, FedEx costs, etc), lighting and so much more!
A lot more m0ney is poured into raising jumping spiders than made back in ad0ptions, I can promise you that! 👌
Every br33der I’ve spoken to, would agree that it’s not about the m0ney, it’s about sharing the love of owning these amazing creatures. The m0ney we do make is a blessing & does also help support our families, our kids, college saving funds. NOT to get rich 🤑 NOT to just make a “s@le
It’s so much more than that… knowing that br33ders pour more into their jumpers than they do ad0pting out really helps give more insight and perspective to it all.

So why does my jumping spider c0st this much?
To put it simply, your not just paying for someone to give you “just a jumping spider”
- - it’s time invested into raising healthy hearty beautiful babies for you to love - -
- - it’s the love & care poured into each spoodie that you wouldn’t get from just catching one - -
- - and it’s endless hours and sacrifice - -

This post isn’t to ruffle any feathers 🪶
And to be honest… I used to be that person that just wanted the “lowest price” and took starting my own businesses to see the behind the scenes and truly understand why the c0st is what it is.
Would I love to pay $5 for a tattoo? C0st wise… absolutely would be nice lol 😅😅😅
But… I understand the artist 👩‍🎨 the time, the quality and professionalism I am p@ying for and I’m more than okay with that! 🙌🏻😇
Just something to think about and share with others!

If you know an AMAZING BR33DER, give them a shout out below 👇🏻
Love y’all 💕✨😇


Rae's Jumpers


Lexington, NC


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