101 Labradoodles

101 Labradoodles This page is for sharing photos and stories about pervious 101 Labrdoodle puppies. Our dogs are our family pets.

George Sanderson, Jerry Jabinowski, and Boo. Cute babies with lots of love to give!

George Sanderson, Jerry Jabinowski, and Boo. Cute babies with lots of love to give!

How cute is she ?

How cute is she ?

Roz is our last girl. She has a little alpha. That makes her brave, curious, smart and maybe a little stubborn. She is c...

Roz is our last girl. She has a little alpha. That makes her brave, curious, smart and maybe a little stubborn. She is crazy affectionate


Call for your own kid sitter! Ready February 24th.

Boo is spoken for!

Boo is spoken for!

I just had to share. He is spoken for, but he is so cute!

I just had to share. He is spoken for, but he is so cute!

I have a feather stuck on my nose! I can't imagine why I have to have my photos done while sitting in feathers.Jerry.

I have a feather stuck on my nose! I can't imagine why I have to have my photos done while sitting in feathers.

Boy oh boy, George Sanderson has perfected sad puppy-dog eyes.

Boy oh boy, George Sanderson has perfected sad puppy-dog eyes.

We miss Ranette and all our babies! Post here for everyone to see if your 101 Labrdoodle baby is loving the snow!

We miss Ranette and all our babies! Post here for everyone to see if your 101 Labrdoodle baby is loving the snow!


Who loves chocolate?


I often have people ponder if their 101 Labrdoodle pup wants a puppy for company. Chai Bella loves her new pup Mocha.

If scrolling, please consider this;We challenge you to scroll back as far as you can. All the labraoodles on this page w...

If scrolling, please consider this;
We challenge you to scroll back as far as you can. All the labraoodles on this page were raised by us. We have ONLY 5 star reviews. For the 101 Labrdoodle Families, who know and trust us, please share. We need to help keep responsible breeders working so we can have the best temperaments in our breed.(and non -shedding) Give our babies kisses for us!

Calling 17 previous families, please register your Finano microchip.( instructions in your welcome packet) Right now, wh...

Calling 17 previous families, please register your Finano microchip.( instructions in your welcome packet) Right now, when scanned, they won't know your baby is yours!

To all the 101 Labradoodle families; Thank-you for loving our babies! We are all out for the year!

To all the 101 Labradoodle families; Thank-you for loving our babies! We are all out for the year!


Give all my babies kisses for us! We miss them!


Happy Wife, Happy Life 😍🤣

Congratulations Hermès(Barnabas). You will never be lonely!

Congratulations Hermès(Barnabas). You will never be lonely!

They need to stop making new labradoodle colors- I am running out of room!

They need to stop making new labradoodle colors- I am running out of room!

Eric, Kim and Elle just got a new baby. Izzy is a lucky girl!

Eric, Kim and Elle just got a new baby. Izzy is a lucky girl!


Best friend forever 😍🥰😘


Tyler's Lambo

My heart melts when I see the way my dogs love my children.

My heart melts when I see the way my dogs love my children.



Johnson City, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 9pm
Tuesday 8am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8am - 9pm
Saturday 8am - 9pm
Sunday 9am - 9pm



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