Chibabymine Chihuahuas

Chibabymine Chihuahuas We specialize in LH Chihuahuas, Imperial Shih Tzu & Teddy Bear dogs, ethically bred with love. 🐾🩵


ChiBabyMine Community - I miss you all so much! Please know I'm working extremely hard every day to get back to you, and the life & business I built here... and that we absolutely do still have more litters upcoming - which I know some of you have been waiting a long time for, and have paid reservations on. Please call or text me at the original number you have on file for us.

We have 2 of 3 puppies available now - from our Kokomo x Nova litter. Ready to go home the weekend of March 7th, after their 3rd set of Core Vaccines. They only need a 4th round at your vet to complete their Core Series, and be set to jet for years to come. So ready less than a week from now!

I'll be uploading pics of them soon, but suffice it to say, like their parents, they are tiny, fluffy and gorgeous! These are Teddy Bear pups; a desinger cross, 50/50 Imperial Shih Tzu/LH Chihuahua both parents hailing from Champion Lines, with beautiful structure, dentition, colors & markings... and above all, with excellent temperment that I'm proud to say has passed down to these pups.

1. Boy; Deveraux. Like his name Ro carries the aura of a Southern gentleman. He is so very sweet! He is all lover. There's not an ounce of fighter in him. He gives very deliberate face kisses, and like his sister, takes a lot of comfort in the behaviour. Ro's feelings are easily hurt. When they are, or when he is unsure, he lies flat, chin to the ground, and looks up for reassurance. It's darling.

Ro is vocal, and has the vocal quality of his Shih, Mama. This means he's got a voice that sounds almost human, and inflects human cadences. That if you listen to you can understand easily. Like for instance, Nova snapped at him today when I was giving gullet chews (it was my fault, I normally put him up w/his treats) so I grab up Nova, and put him. And then swoop up Ro, who is crying out of fright but not pain. And once I calm him he lets out a solemn wail of a sound that translates directly to "Why did he do that to me?" Heart-rending. In any case, it's pretty special, his voice.

He's also small, about 6lbs grown, and red merle on white w/one tiny patch of blue that looks like a sparkle all the time.
2. Girl; Odessa. Dessi is so much fun! In structure, she leans toward her Chi Papa Nova. She's got such dainty, teensy li'l paws! And when she gives you face kisses she likes to rest them on your cheek like a toddler does her mother. It's beyonddd precious. For this reason Dessi should go home w/a family that will appreciate her face kisses rather than discourage them. She takes a lot of joy and comfort in the behaviour.

Odessa's coat is super full and fluffy, shorter on the face, like a chi. Her colors are Red Sable on White Piebald markings. Like all Teddies, she will need pro-grooming -unless you wanna learn? But really only needs nails, pawpads and sanitary trims - of which she's already had plenty.

She's is 2lbs and has beenn for over a month now, proving her growth rate has slowed, and she'll likely remain quite small. >5lbs grown. Her jaw is ever so slighty undershot liike her Shih Mama, Ko. It's what we call a "Reverse Scissor Bite" and exactly what we like to see. Regular brushing will keep her pearly whites gleaming a long, long time.

Her personality is sweet and spunky. She's bouncy as a rubber ball and very eager to please. Accepts corrections well, and ammends her behaviour in response. But rarely needs them. Likes to tug, fetch, snuggle and give kisses.


Hi all. It's been a loooong time. For anyone wondering, I'm being hacked and effectively terrorized by a group of my neighbors, headquartered out of the unit right below mine, using the recently "Viral on TikTok" handheld Hacking Device called Flipper Zero.

It all began on Oct 13 2023, when I woke up to pounds and pounds of s**t -human & animal f***s- smashed out in the yard I'd just lovingly re-seeded for what I thought was all of us. It's a 9-Unit Everett old build very near downtown with a large yard and fruit trees, and an old growth flowering Magnolia.

We have something of a slumlord who neglects the property inside and out... but rent is cheap, and I have the landscaping skill and tools, so figured, "What the hell! I'll just maintain it myself!" Apparently my efforts are not appreciated. But I digress.

From 10/13/23 to 12/1/23 more s**t was smashed, dumped or flung gleefully about the yard every single night -- my home security system catching it all in HD. I sent pics and vids of it and my attempts to clean it up to my landlord and her bulls**t San Francisco "management co." Doorstead, but got no help in stopping the repeated bio-hazardous vandalization of the property.

Odd, considering these newest attacks on my quality of life and habitability of the home I'd built there -by literally dumping s**t all over it- were shown on camera being committed by the same woman who has a well-documented history of accosting, harassing and stalking me from the time she moved in around Feb 2021. And that Doorstead was prior and repeatedly made aware of and addressed, however weakly and ineffectively.

The nightly pouring of copiuos amounts of f***s tapered off around the 1st week of Dec... because that's when this woman bought her Flipper Zero.

It's also when I began to realize my security cameras wer being regularly hacked, logged into nightly from devices I don't own, and big chunks of footage were deleted from the cloud and the hard storage, both. I was able to retrieve it, luckily. But by that time had no way to send it to anyone, as my phone was being attacked 24/7 with BruteForce Flipper Zero DDoS Attacks the company who makes it is so proud of.

Of course the makers of Flipper Zero will soon be sued into insolvency for bringing to market a device whose sole purpose is hacking and "Pe*******on Testing" and pretending to care who they sell it it to; eg: only "White Hat" Hackers. With the knowledge that it would be used by criminals to unlawfully target & attack innocent people and companies unlucky enough to be within a 50-100ft proximity of one of the maaaaany unabashed criminals they sold it to for the low, low price of just $169.99.

To you, the makers of this device: You made my entire life -all that I love, all I built, my business, my family, my personal & professional reputation, my most sensitive personal information- A FU***NG GAME!! You made it a literal game! For those who don't know, FZ behaves like a Tamagotchi Pet --except you feed it innocent people's stolen data! And Ever more apps hosted in the Flipper Zero App Store whose sole purpose is criminally harming other peoples' private, secured devices, networks & systems. So the more harm these people rained down upon me for 4.5 mos and still going, the happier their "little dolphin" pet became.

You either knew or should've known your device would cause crime, harm, loss, devastation, destruction, humiliation, terror and so on to innocent people just minding their business, just like it has to me... and that is the Legal Fu***ng Standard. This can only end in a Class-Action. God knows I'm not the only one.

In short, these malicous neighbors have stolen my entire life. My entire digital data & footprint going back more than a decade. My Photoclouds, my passwords -and even my Microsoft, Redmond Seattle & Google Authenticators were easily breached and seized by the FZ hack crew below me.

They shut down my business during my busiest time of year - over the holidays. They cut me off from all my clientele and irreparably damaged my reputation. That alone has cost me over $60,00 in losses, plus another $10k in credit charges trying to fight off a hack I'll never be able to as long as criminals are running Flipper Zero Handheld Hacking Devices in my small apt complex. The thing works by intercepting and emulating ANY thing that uses any king of Radio Frequency (RF) tech, from your car key fob to your Driver License & Credit Cards to your smartphone, smart Tv, Home Speakers, and any Wifi or Bluetooth capable thing you own.

I personally have had 16 phones hacked so far, by Samsung, Motorola. TCL Photovoltaic Technology, and even a Pine64 Pinephone. My Google Home Speaker was hacked. My kid's Xbox was hacked. And the list goes on and on, really. It hacked FOUR seperate Xfinity modems, and asserted them as "Super User" on every last device and network... and ALL attached accounts and apps. Hundreds of separate accounts have been hacked in total, via thousands of relentless, individual, ongoing attacks.

The Flipper Zero is a destroyer of worlds. It's obliterated mine for over mos now. I was just able to recover my FB and Chibabymine Chihuahuas accounts today -- from the library -- the sole place I can now make phone calls and use the internet from.

To my Puppy Families: We have 2 available now, from Kokomo & Nova. And all contracts, verbal & written still hold.

For the   of a   Folks think that bc   are   they're an easy breed. They're not. Of our 2 Chis & 2  , the later are by f...

For the of a

Folks think that bc are they're an easy breed. They're not. Of our 2 Chis & 2 , the later are by farrrr the easier breed. That said, Chis are wonderful.

are not the kind of dogs that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, but the sort you build your life around. They're the kind of allowed on the bed and all the furniture - even tho they have their own.

Chis are not the happy-go-lucky, friendly-to-all too many mistake them for. They're suspicious by nature and do not award their trust freely to newcomers! Chihuahuas make you EARN their trust, and bond tightly to one person - and at best just a few ppl. So if that's not your jam, think twice before getting one.

Chis don't respond well to harsh training methods. To bring out the best in your Chi, be gentle w/her. Be patient. Be kind. Give her the time to get to know you, and to begin to understand she is safe. It doesn't happen overnight, but over many moons.

Make yourself trustworthy to her. Put her on a reliable sleep/wake, eat/potty schedule she can come to rely on. Give her grace when she makes mistakes - and she will. Be firm but fair in your training of her, and lead always with love.

The fastest way to bond a Chihuahua to you is to invite her to find her place upon your bed. It is the safest place in the world to a Chi. Ours routinely one give birth under my duvet due precisely to that fact.

Some prefer to sleep atop your pillows. Some like to burrow down to the foot. Some like to sleep in the crook of your neck or back or elbow. You won't squish them - you adjust, they adjust. Many of the most beautiful and profound bonding moments w/your Chi will happen there, in bed.

Get foam block stairs off your bed, lest she jump, and throw a knee out. Put her potty station in the furthest corner from your bed. That's where she'll naturally wanna go. Doing so will ease her adjustment greatly, and you'll both get better sleep faster. It doesn't hinder outdoor training later on one bit! Once she learns your "Go Potty" cue, you can take it anywhere.

While not for the faint of heart, Chis are fiercely loyal 🐾❤️

But she's always loved him. Now he loves her, too! They're due just before Christmas! This year there'll be no holiday b...

But she's always loved him. Now he loves her, too! They're due just before Christmas! This year there'll be no holiday blues 🐾💙

I must warn you - their whole litter pre-sold. But got he's got more on the way! If I may be so bold?


Mercy's next up in his roster to make holiday magic! To not reserve now would be no less than tragic! Their pups will go...

Mercy's next up in his roster to make holiday magic! To not reserve now would be no less than tragic!

Their pups will go fast. Watch and you'll see! Little snowballs in line under our Christmas tree🎄Tiny Teddy Bear pups stuffed in stockings with bows? What could be cuter?

Except, perhaps, Kokomo? 🩵 A dog so adorable she barely looks real! She may be his last but she's first in my heart. Ko ...

Except, perhaps, Kokomo? 🩵 A dog so adorable she barely looks real! She may be his last but she's first in my heart. Ko & I? We are literally never apart!

Their litter I dearly look forward to. Her 5lbs and him 4, itty bitty they'll be. Genesis is their litter. Come New Years they'll bring us the perfect Teddies 🧸

But she's always loved him. Now he loves her, too! They're due just before Christmas! This year there'll be no holiday b...

But she's always loved him. Now he loves her, too! They're due just before Christmas! This year there'll be no holiday blues 🐾💙

I must warn you - their whole litter pre-sold. But got he's got more on the way! If I may be so bold?

Next up is Duchess! Had to warn him - this girl's a Heartbreaker 🐾💔

Next up is Duchess! Had to warn him - this girl's a Heartbreaker 🐾💔

She was Nova's mate. So he mourned for awhile. But his brand of love never goes out of style. Lucky guy - he's got a lot...

She was Nova's mate. So he mourned for awhile. But his brand of love never goes out of style. Lucky guy - he's got a lot of takers!

Dear Nina has been retired. Happy in her forever home! Got herself a new big sister to play fetch 'n roam her half an ac...

Dear Nina has been retired. Happy in her forever home! Got herself a new big sister to play fetch 'n roam her half an acre.

Bet you're wondering where we've been! We were gone awhile... but we're back again 🐾🩷

Bet you're wondering where we've been! We were gone awhile... but we're back again 🐾🩷

Happy Fall to all of y'all!

Happy Fall to all of y'all!



  to the Mattox Family and their little   girl, Betty! 💜 Who continues to impress her mom & dad with all her perfect pot...

to the Mattox Family and their little girl, Betty! 💜 Who continues to impress her mom & dad with all her perfect potties at home! Aww 🥹 Such a good girl, Bettes is!

Our foundational program here at .chihuahuas really does give them the tools to be .

From 4 weeks old, we hijack instinctual tactile responses, pair them w/verbal commands, and teach our where to go. I'm always so proud to hear they've carried the skill home.

  to  and her fiancée (I'm so sorry - I forgot his name! 🤦‍♀️) but I adore you both nonetheless! You and your sweet    ,...

to and her fiancée (I'm so sorry - I forgot his name! 🤦‍♀️) but I adore you both nonetheless! You and your sweet , Zoey - formerly Nix! You are , inside out.

I hear Chynna & Zoey have lots of new & to play with! Yay! 😊

Lots of   to the   Desiree Dawson, and her  , Sky (formerly Sterling) 🐾💗 Settling in so nice with his new   and  ! 🏡    ...

Lots of to the Desiree Dawson, and her , Sky (formerly Sterling) 🐾💗 Settling in so nice with his new and ! 🏡

Big, big thanks to Karla Infante and her    , Gizmo, for these gorgeous spring  ! 🌿I hear little Mr Giz likes to   in al...

Big, big thanks to Karla Infante and her , Gizmo, for these gorgeous spring ! 🌿

I hear little Mr Giz likes to in all sorts of , positions. 😴😆 Here's just a few.

I get this question every day. "Why are your pups so expensive?!" This is the answer.     is NOT a big money business! N...

I get this question every day. "Why are your pups so expensive?!" This is the answer.

is NOT a big money business! Not even close. One can hardly even call it a business bc we're so often and easily put in the red. Lol

It is a . A calling. A beloved hobby that overruns everything else in your life. Like raising any young creature, your compensation comes in the form of love. In the form of fulfillment in nurturing them and watching them blossom and grow strong into whatever they will be.

We are in Western WA on the Pacific Coast. Veterinary costs differ from state to state, often dramatically. But where we are, in our program, this is the fiscal breakdown for a litter of 5, like the one we just raised. Pics in their homes with their forthcoming. 🐾💓

•Planned C-sections run at least $3k
•Emergencies C-sections run $5-7k ALONE
•Ultrasounds are $150. Xrays are $180
•Pre+Neonatal Vitamins & Care: $250

•3 Sets of Vaccines: $50/pup - $250/litter
•FiNano Microchips: $3/pup - $15/litter
•6 Rounds/ Quality Wormer: $12/pup - $60/litter
•Vet Health Checks & Certs: $120/pup - $600/litter
•Goat Milk + Ge**er Meats: $22/pup - $110/litter
•Puppy Kibble + Deccox: $16/pup - $80/litter
•Puppy Packs: $170/pup - $850/litter

Supposing everything goes right, and no complications or need for C-Section arise, that's an upfront investment of $2395 on a litter of 5.

I keep my pups 9+ weeks. Caring for them directly 12 hrs a day (and it's often more) for that time frame, birth to adoption, per litter, is 3,240 hours of labor.

•Worth $16,200 at just $5 bucks an hour -- less than 1/3 of WA state minimum wage of $15.74.

•So if I allow myself just a $5 hourly wage,
I spend $18,595 on every litter.

•Divided by 5, the figure it costs me to produce each puppy is $3,719.

•Pups I then sell to my vetted, dedicated Puppy Families for $3800.

--------Making my net profit $81 per pup-------
------------and $405 per litter of 5.--------------

And that doesn't include ANY of the genetic testing, vet care, or general care of our parent dogs.

I don't do this for the money. No breeder does! We do it for love. For betterment of breed. For the joy it brings us, and the opportunity to magnify and extend that & to those in need of it.

Many of my puppy families come to me devasted at the recent loss of a , friend, or family member. I myself began this program after suffering a devastating loss... and so I understand. There is a reason are called "man's best ."

-------------------IN THE RED----------------------
Now, I prefer to do the math as outlined above... bc if I allow myself the actual minimum wage for my state, and average hours of labor of 3,240 then...
that's $50,997 in labor alone,
plus my $2,395 initial investment,
totaling $53.392.

With 5 pups selling at $3,800 and $19,000 total,
leaving me $34,392 IN THE RED per litter, for every healthy, uncomplicated litter I produce. IF I made minimum wage -- which I don't.

Heaven help us if ANYTHING goes wrong during pregnancy, or with any pup, bc any serious complication thrusts us immediately and deeply in the red!

There's really no telling how far. That's why all our dogs are insured. Ensuring them proper, timely veterinary care... care but never profit.

Bc no matter how well educated you are, how well vetted and cared for your dogs, or how well planned and paired a litter may be... this is life. We're holding in our hands. And there are natural forces at play well out of our control. This is the gamble every breeder plays with every single litter.

So now you understand. We do it for love of the dog. For the love of our chosen breeds. And for the people who love them.

CA Gray Chibabymine Chihuahuas 🐾💙
Good Breeder Center

"Sweet Mercy, Nobility's True Badge" Mercy is kind of a d***y girl. She gallops around, her blonde hair aloft, falls fla...

"Sweet Mercy, Nobility's True Badge"

Mercy is kind of a d***y girl. She gallops around, her blonde hair aloft, falls flat on her face, and gets up with a smile, ready to do it again. But she tries real hard and is hands down the best cuddler ever! A veritable teddy bear.

Duchess tryin' to save Mercy from a haircut. 😆🥹 (She's in a     bc she's still learning how to get her face & muzzle cut...

Duchess tryin' to save Mercy from a haircut. 😆🥹 (She's in a bc she's still learning how to get her face & muzzle cut.)

are jealous things! But also deeply bonded. Mercy is Duchess's best friend.

"This is our   place" courtesy of:Mama's     Way Down in Kokomo          **tzu

"This is our place" courtesy of:
Mama's Way Down in Kokomo


Ko & I saved this pair of sad discounts orchids getting no love or sun at all from a cart at the back of the grocery sto...

Ko & I saved this pair of sad discounts orchids getting no love or sun at all from a cart at the back of the grocery store... and we helped them recover and bloom.

I like the standing, ruddy lavender one a lot... but the ultra light pastel purple one that wasn't crutched and was allowed to grow its own way is my favorite.

I love it when I get great still shots of the girls   their circles around the yard! Look at 'em go! Lol           in th...

I love it when I get great still shots of the girls their circles around the yard! Look at 'em go! Lol

in the

Duchess and the crew love their new Wash n' Zip    ! It's   bc it unzips into a   and a comforter, too. So  !The removab...

Duchess and the crew love their new Wash n' Zip ! It's bc it unzips into a and a comforter, too. So !

The removable cover is nearly indestructable while still being and . Perfect for & who chew!

Both the cover and inner bed are machine washable - a helpful feature, indeed! Folks really should be washing their beds about once a month.

Great for , car rides, or just around the house. We've got it in the kitchen, here - so the have a place to when I'm cooking.

Check 'em out on fb at:

Or go straight to their website for 15% OFF!

This is an important 3 min read for all my puppy families & prospective puppy families. Because language DOES matter. It...

This is an important 3 min read for all my puppy families & prospective puppy families. Because language DOES matter. It shapes your training mindset and methodology, and sets your puppy up for longterm failure or success.

While I do still use "commands" with my dogs, I also use cues. Trained right, what starts as a command later becomes a cue. Example: I used to command sit. Now it's just a simple hand gesture.

Using hand gestures alongside commands, or teaching a form of sign language, as it were, helps build a mutual language w/your dog -- one you both understand -- enabling commands to evolve into cues in the well-trained dog.

Words I never use in training: It. Bad. Break. It's never our goal to "break" a dog. The goal is understanding. Period. If a dog understands what you're asking, and is capable of it, they will do it. That's what earned them the title of "Man's Best Friend."

The goal of training is to foster understanding. Understanding of what is expected of them. Of what they can and can't do. Of what is safe and unsafe. Of what is fun and not fun. Of what you like and don't like. And not to bend them to your will by force or fear.

Why the words you use make a difference in your relationship with your dog – and perhaps even the success of your dog training program.




Everett, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm


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