Lura's Gaited Horses Fred Lent

Lura's Gaited Horses Fred Lent I specialize in well trained GAITED trail horses that are represented honestly. Also offer training.

I want to wish all my horsey friends and clients a Happy SUCCESSFUL New Year!!            Without you guys I wouldn't be...

I want to wish all my horsey friends and clients a Happy SUCCESSFUL New Year!!
Without you guys I wouldn't be doing what I LOVE! I soooo appreciate all your support!!

A FB friend made this New Year's Eve resolution that I just gotta share! This is EXACTLY the type of client I STRIVE for cause I know my horse will be happy and well cared for!!

This year, I resolve to listen to my boy better. To remember what a privilege it is to be connected to such an amazing creature. One who chooses to join up with me, and carry me safely no matter what he is unhappy with. Pain, discomfort, or not being a part of the joint decision of what we are doing together. I resolve to be your partner, your leader that you can count on to keep you safe,and to make sure our adventures are as enjoyable for you as they are for me. We will keep up our groundwork, our Liberty work,and we will keep at them. I want you to be able to forget your past unhappiness and only know a relationship you can count on that will never let you down and will always put you first. I will be the partner you need me to be and always be present for you. This I promise you, because you deserve to be heard. ❀️
Written be Elizabeth Benes

Gaited horse tip of the day  #41 Saddle PLACEMENT   Plain and simple buy you a Bueno Vista that's MADE for the A framed ...

Gaited horse tip of the day #41 Saddle PLACEMENT
Plain and simple buy you a Bueno Vista that's MADE for the A framed gaited horse and set that saddle back away from the shoulders. See where my cinch is????? Crazy huh but it's right! So if you think you need them fancy cinchs that's all contoured this way and that way you should educate yourself on saddle placement.
Now remember I'm self taught! I learn everything from the horse. This is MY WAY and I only share cause I've been getting saddle questions. I'm here demonstrating my Buena Vista on an A Framed horse. Don't know anything about western saddles so this only pertains to the Buena (And I'm not interested in answering a million questions about saddles so please let's not go there.)
AGAIN this is MY WAY obtained from TRIAL and ERROR!
And I must say this for the horse: STOP CINCHING YOUR HORSE SO TIGHT! If you need it that tight stay off the horse is my theory. Period!!! Put yourself in their shoes. I can go on for days on this one but I'll shut up here.

NEW SEGMENT!!!CHEAPSKATE 101    That favorite hoof pick you have is getting dull. It fits your hand just perfect! It has...



That favorite hoof pick you have is getting dull. It fits your hand just perfect! It has the dirt brush even!! But it's DULL😑 BS

Ask that farrier you been loyal to for the past 5yr to fork over one of his dull rasps! File that hoof pick down to a point that suits ya and there ya go!

I will ALWAYS be a VOICE for the HORSE, ALWAYS!!!!    They can't speak so I will speak for them!!! It's hard to believe ...

I will ALWAYS be a VOICE for the HORSE, ALWAYS!!!! They can't speak so I will speak for them!!! It's hard to believe I didn't write this, it's 100% EXACTLY what happens! So I'm here telling you this happens ALL the time! Your older aged horse DESERVES to retire with YOU! It's your time to repay him for everything he's done for you!! If you don't agree that's fine but I'll never sell you one of my precious loved horses, EVER!!!

β€œKnow that old gelding of yours? You know, the trusty gelding who taught you to ride. We all have one in our pasture. He was the first horse you trusted with your kids. Everything this horse has done has had a purpose behind it.

Now his joints are starting to show arthritis from all the learning you two did together. He probably has slowed down and need a little extra food. Your family is ready for something with a little more speed and he doesn’t fit the bill. So you convince yourself you are letting him go so he can help teach another child. In your mind, you see him happily trotting down the road with a sweet little girl on his back.

In reality, that little girl will ride and love him for a few years. However, she outgrows him. He’s even slower and she’s ready to run. Her family is not bonded with your horse like you were. They sell him to the inexperienced family down the road.

This family knows nothing about horses. They don’t know how to feed an aged horse. He looses weight. Soon it’s so bad they keep him in the back pasture where no one can see him.
Finally, they take him to a sale.

No one at the sale wants a neglected, aged horse. So he goes through the ring and sells for $400 to a killbuyer. The killpen is where I find him. I know nothing about his history and nothing about his health. All I can see is the wisdom and pain in his eyes. I take him home.

As much as I love what I do, I would love to never see one of these poor old guys again. It breaks my heart to know that this is the story of so many animals out there.

So please, please keep your aged horses. If you can no longer afford them, lease them to a friend or put them down. No one deserves for their life to end this way.”
Shishana Rourke. (writing/ photo)

Gaited HORSE TIP of the day  #1 RULE    All these tips I give you guys are just pieces of the BIG PUZZLE!!!     Remember...

Gaited HORSE TIP of the day #1 RULE

All these tips I give you guys are just pieces of the BIG PUZZLE!!!

Remember that! Yesterday's tip of the day about mares getting along side by side is a GOAL achieved by much much homework before the actual test! 😁

GAITED HORSE TIP of the DAY  #36    Barn etiquette!!  Why tie two mares within kicking distance of each other??? To TEAC...


Barn etiquette!!

Why tie two mares within kicking distance of each other??? To TEACH em something!!! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

I can have mares strung up all down this aisle way and not a worry in the world about one of them kicking me. CAUSE I TEACH them MANNERS!!!
My thinking is simple. If there's a human being within site the horse better be paying attention to that human!! It's always about SAFETY!
Remember what I do on the ground transfers under saddle!!!πŸ’ͺπŸ˜‰πŸ˜

GAITED HORSE TIP of the DAY  #35     Always focus on your horse on the road!! Not the vehicle coming at you!!!       Thi...


Always focus on your horse on the road!! Not the vehicle coming at you!!!
Think about the road. Does it give YOU anxiety???? Are you concerned that idiot in the car is going to clip your horse as he flies by ya?
Only a fool would be unconcerned!!!!!

#1 mistake I see clients and even experienced solid horsemen do is immediately clutch their reins. As rider sn**ches up them reins tight as could be they are also flipping their head around looking AT the VEHICLE. A nice well broke horse listens to the rider's seat so if you are whipping your head around what's that doing to your seat? What's that telling your horse?

So now your reins are tight and you have no rein available to keep your horse straight and settled and your horse is on high alert cause YOU the RIDER are on HIGH ALERT.
You are anxious which brought out your horse's anxiety and now you are just plain and simple SCREWED!!!

Moral of this tip is don't sn**ch up your horse. Remain calm and focused on your horse not the cars!!! If you hear a car coming nonchalantly slide into the neighbor's yard, in that field, or even climb that fenceless bank to get out of the way. In Ohio vehicles must yield to horses. And if a neighbor gets their panties in a bunch I don't mind going and stomping down the hoof prints. I care about MY SAFETY not the neighbor's bitchingπŸ˜‰
You must remain calm so your horse remains calm.
Me myself I like going with traffic and I don't change my speed. If I do look back it's a nonchalant glance and focus returns immediately back to my horse.
So now you gotta fix yourself right along with that STUPID HORSE that is scared of vehicles because YOU TRAINED him to be scaredπŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄
Yes I chuckle and chuckle when people always blaming their horse!! Most people don't want to admit it's them!

Speedy pictured being his rotten self.

The best morning view ever from my bed!!! Yes that's Miss Candy in her ever changing coat!

The best morning view ever from my bed!!! Yes that's Miss Candy in her ever changing coat!

Your truck blows up cause you didn't have time to put oil in it. You THOUGHT it MAY be OK but took the chance anyway.   ...

Your truck blows up cause you didn't have time to put oil in it. You THOUGHT it MAY be OK but took the chance anyway.
You gonna raise hell with that mechanic or the person that sold you the car? I'm sure NOT.
Horses are work and if you don't want the work or don't have the time DON'T GET A HORSE!! The little annoying mannerisms easily turn into MAJOR PROBLEMS just like your truck!!!!!
These analogies are just that. I hope it opens up the narrow minded person.

GAITED HORSE TIP of the Day  #33!   SET BOUNDARIES! Paint that picture clear what's acceptable and what's NOT acceptable...

GAITED HORSE TIP of the Day #33!
SET BOUNDARIES! Paint that picture clear what's acceptable and what's NOT acceptable!
Horses are like kids! Well more like that pesky little brother that LOVES to AGGRAVATE you; like that's his primary goal for the day.😑πŸ₯΄
Horses need boundaries guys on every aspect of their care so they are what??? SAFE!!!!!!! Feeding time; correct that darting wicked mare face so they don't accidentally bite you in their frenzy. Turning out to pasture; it's not a fire drill so please walk as I grab the gate behind you so it doesn't hit you in the hiney. Barnyard etiquette, everyone can get along or the real herd leader will walk in there. Get what I'm saying????
Even Princess Candy needs boundaries for her sake and ours. It's obviously exhausting being so darn cute!


Chandlersville, OH





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