Darcey's Groom Room

Darcey's Groom Room Professional Dog Grooming Service. Dedicated to meeting the grooming needs of all dog breeds.

Hi there, I’m back at work today after a week off with my five little monsters. It’s always lovely to have a whole week ...

Hi there, I’m back at work today after a week off with my five little monsters. It’s always lovely to have a whole week to spend giving them my undivided attention. 🐾

Please bear with me as I endeavour to get back to everyone that has messaged while I was away. I’m trying my best, but as I’ve had a full days grooming to do, and an extremely busy working week ahead, it’s going to take a few days to catch up with them all.

Thanks for your understanding. 💕

All messages will be responded to on my return. ☺️

All messages will be responded to on my return. ☺️

Little Lola was making me feel sleepy as she slept the hours away while waiting for her sister to have her trim. All cle...

Little Lola was making me feel sleepy as she slept the hours away while waiting for her sister to have her trim. All clean and cosy… 💕

Not just one, five of them in mine! 😂

Not just one, five of them in mine! 😂

Yes, they certainly do! 💕Have a lovely weekend all. 🌞

Yes, they certainly do! 💕

Have a lovely weekend all. 🌞

I’m taking a little break for a week or so to recharge and spend some much needed time with my husband and my own dogs w...

I’m taking a little break for a week or so to recharge and spend some much needed time with my husband and my own dogs who have found the loss of our darling Lewie this week very difficult.

Any messages received during this time will be responded to on my return to the salon on the 7th May. Thanks for your understanding.

Much Love, Ruth 🐾🐕‍🦺✂️

Today has been a difficult one, I’ve had to say goodbye to my precious pug Lewie after nearly twelve years of him being ...

Today has been a difficult one, I’ve had to say goodbye to my precious pug Lewie after nearly twelve years of him being my shadow and little soul mate. If I’m not quite myself this week, I apologise, the loss of him has really taken it out of me. 💔

I want to thank the amazing Cotswold Pet Crematorium for their kindness today and for taking care of my little man.



🤗🐾 A big THANK YOU to you all on National Hug Your Dog Day 🐾🤗

I haven’t posted anything of any real significance for quite some time, so just wanted to take this opportunity on such a special day, to thank you all for your kindness.

Thank you to all of you that value my business, the care I give to each and every dog that comes through my door, that appreciates the time and care that goes into each and every groom, the one to one care I give, the long hours I work to accommodate as many of my loyal clients as possible. Also for your understanding of the need for yearly price increases and additional charges for things such as cancellations, flea infestations, matting and dogs in season.

Thank you to those of you that bring me flowers and cakes when they feel I’m looking a little down with life. You really are the best.

I’ve learned this week that for every unkindness given, there are many more kindnesses to outweigh those who try to hurt you. All life lessons I guess.

So thank you, thank you and thank you again for all your love and support. I never knew, when I set up this business many years ago now, that my feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

I love and appreciate you and just thought you should know it! ❤️


**Now taken**

A last minute appointment has become available tomorrow at 2.45pm. If you’d like it, please get in touch. Many thanks. ✂️🐕‍🦺

Happy Easter everyone! 🐣Just a little note to let you know the salon is closed now until Wednesday 3rd April. April will...

Happy Easter everyone! 🐣

Just a little note to let you know the salon is closed now until Wednesday 3rd April. April will also see a small price increase in my services going forward. I will advise you all of these changes as appointment reminders are sent through. Any enquiries received over the next few days will be responded to on my return to the salon next week.

Enjoy your bank holiday and enjoy the much needed sunshine, for the next couple of days at least! 🌞


I love this poem so thought I’d share it with you. Do you have family and friends that don’t understand your love for your dog/s?

My dogs live here, they're here to stay
You don't like pets? Be on your way
They share my home, my food, my space
This is their home, this is their place

You will find dog hair on the floor
They will alert you're at the door
They may request a litte pat
A simple 'NO' will settle that
It gripes me when I hear you say
Just how is it you live this way?

They smell, they shed, they're in the way
WHO ASKED YOU? is all I can say
They love me more than anyone
My voice is like the rising sun
They merely have to hear me say
'C'mon, time to go and play’
Then tails wag and faces grin
They bounce and hop and make a din
They never say, 'No time for you’
They're always there, to GO and DO

And if l'm sad, they're by my side
And if I'm mad, they circle wide
And if I laugh, they laugh with me
They understand, they always see

So, once again, I say to you
'Come visit me,' but know this too
My dogs live here, they're here to stay
You don't like pets? Be on your way
They share my home, my food, my space
This is their home, this is their place ❤️

🐾💕 Happy Mother’s Day 💕🐾

🐾💕 Happy Mother’s Day 💕🐾


I’ve had a fabulous day at Crufts today. Have any of you been yet or are you going tomorrow for the last day? Have fun if you are! 🐕‍🦺🐾✂️


I’m taking a bit of break for a few days as I’m feeling a bit burnt out. I’ll be back in the salon on Friday, so please get in touch then if you need me.

Thanks for your understanding.

Much love, Ruth 🐾🐕‍🦺✂️

I need say no more…

I need say no more…

The unfortunate truth of owning and running a business.
Running a business is really hard.
What they don’t tell you is that it can cause severe stress and anxiety, and drains you mentally to the point of depression in even the most laid-back people.
People will talk about you, compare you to others, use you, they will view you as a service and not a person anymore.
People will expect discounts and people will value you and your hard work less than a big chain store.
You have to worry about if you forget to email/message someone back, are they going to think it was on purpose? Did you disappoint them? Will they hold that against you? When in reality you just can’t get to everyone’s messages and emails.
Starting up and running a successful business puts incredible strain on personal lives and relationships, many of which fail because there is just often no work life balance. You need to be the director, the worker, the admin, the marketing team, the accountant, the cleaner..... All whilst being a parent, a provider, family support, friend, spouse...
There’s a reason you don’t see many people succeed in small businesses after 5-10 years. If they are successful they are overwhelmed. It takes a toll. It’s freaking exhausting. Especially the past couple of years when so much has been out of our control.
Here’s a small reminder that we are just normal people with hectic lives. Be kind, be patient, support small businesses…….and hopefully more of us will stick around!

So here she is again, my Sunday labour of love finally complete. ❤️

So here she is again, my Sunday labour of love finally complete. ❤️

A groomers work is never done!Yes it’s Sunday and I still have some of my own dogs to do. 🙈Meet Effy, my soul dog and th...

A groomers work is never done!

Yes it’s Sunday and I still have some of my own dogs to do. 🙈

Meet Effy, my soul dog and the loyalist of companions. She’s also Gracie’s mum.

Here she is showing off all her fluffy beautiful coat, as she gets prepped before her groom. Words cannot express the love I have for this little dog. ❤️

There are so many photos, as I couldn’t pick from them all! 😂

I managed to find a bit of time this evening to groom one of my own dogs, so thought I’d introduce you to her, she was e...

I managed to find a bit of time this evening to groom one of my own dogs, so thought I’d introduce you to her, she was extremely fluffy!

Meet Gracie, she’s always chilled and impeccably behaved on the grooming table. She’s been used to being groomed from very early on as she’s the daughter of one of my other female poodles. It’s always a struggle to find time to do my own doggies, but she’s scrubbed up pretty well. ❤️

❤️ Happy Valentines Day ❤️Scruff is super chilled and cosy after his Valentine pamper today. Such a sweet lad.  See you ...

❤️ Happy Valentines Day ❤️

Scruff is super chilled and cosy after his Valentine pamper today. Such a sweet lad. See you soon Scruff. ❤️




**Now taken**
An appointment has become available on Monday 12th February at 10.30am. If you’d like it, please get in touch.

Many thanks, Ruth 🐾🐕‍🦺✂️

I have the loveliest clients! Thank you Yvonne for this beautiful cake today. It’s been just the pick up I’ve needed aft...

I have the loveliest clients! Thank you Yvonne for this beautiful cake today. It’s been just the pick up I’ve needed after an incredibly exhausting week. It’s truly scrumptious. ❤️

As 2024 is now upon us, I just wanted to take a moment to remember all my little friends who sadly passed away during 20...

As 2024 is now upon us, I just wanted to take a moment to remember all my little friends who sadly passed away during 2023.

You are all loved and are hugely missed. Sweet dreams little ones. 💔

💕Coquet 🌈 - beloved Springer Spaniel of Emma and family.

💕Margot 🌈 - beloved Irish Terrier of Helen and family.

💕Archie 🌈 - beloved Labradoodle of Andrew and family.

💕Otis 🌈 - beloved Sporting Lucas Terrier of Ian and family.

💕Bonnie 🌈 - beloved Cockapoo of Irene.

💕Bertie 🌈 - beloved Labrador of Michelle and family.

💕Harry 🌈 - beloved Springer Spaniel of Lucy and Paul.

💕Willow 🌈 - beloved little dog of Nina and family.

Love and condolences to everyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one or cherished pet over the course of the past year. My thoughts are with you.

✨ HAPPY NEW YEAR ✨Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2024. Have a lovely evening. 🍾🥂


Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2024. Have a lovely evening. 🍾🥂

🎅🏻🎄Christmas is here🎄🎅🏻Once again Christmas has arrived at a speed of knots. I can’t quite believe another year is behin...

🎅🏻🎄Christmas is here🎄🎅🏻

Once again Christmas has arrived at a speed of knots. I can’t quite believe another year is behind us!

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyal custom and for putting your trust in me with your beloved dogs. I adore them all. 💕

I’ve been overwhelmed this year by the sheer amount of extremely generous gifts and tips I’ve received. I can’t put into words just how hugely appreciated they all are. Thank you so so much.

I have one more day left in the salon before I shut up shop for Christmas. The salon will be open again for you on Monday 8th January.

Being a lone worker, I don’t have much time to take any festive photos of my little friends after their grooms. If you’d like to post some festive photos of your dogs in the comments below, it would make my Christmas to see them enjoying the festivities. 🎄

🎄 May I wish you all the most wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy and blessed New Year. 🎄

See you in 2024!

Thanks again.

Much Love, Ruth 💕🐕‍🦺✂️🐾

It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas here at Darcey’s! 🎄Today I’ve spent the day making presents for all my furry ...

It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas here at Darcey’s! 🎄

Today I’ve spent the day making presents for all my furry friends visiting the salon this festive season. I hope you/they like them as much as I do…

I’m not going to lie, I seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take to put as many as I need together… Eleven hours!!! I’m pooped, now where’s that gin! 😴

Have a lovely weekend. 💕

Just a little update for you on a few things:Fleas - I’ve seen a huge increase in the number of dogs coming into the sal...

Just a little update for you on a few things:

Fleas - I’ve seen a huge increase in the number of dogs coming into the salon with fleas. They are rife at the moment, so please treat and check your dogs regularly. Each time I have a dog come into the salon with an infestation, I have to warn my next clients, I have to spend many hours cleaning and treating the salon, my house, and also my own dogs. So please be mindful of this.

Integrity - Last week was not a good week for me, I had a few people messing me around with appointments and not paying the fee, despite them knowing full well that fees are applicable for missed appointments. This makes me incredibly sad and makes me question why I bother doing what I do. Being self employed is difficult enough, without having people treat me in this way. I do not get holiday pay or sick pay, I only earn when I’m at work, which is why I have the policies in place that I do, to protect my income. I work incredibly long hours to make up for these things. The huge majority of my clients are amazing and I appreciate you all massively, however the offenders were relatively new clients and seem to be lacking in any form of integrity.

Finally, the salon will be closed from Wednesday 15th November and will reopen on Wednesday 22nd November. I’m needing a break before the Christmas madness begins, have much admin to catch up on and also have all my doggy clients Christmas presents to make within this time. Any messages will be responded to on my return.

Sorry for the moan, I don’t enjoy it.

Attached is a reminder of my policies.

Kind regards, Ruth 🐕‍🦺✂️❤️

In all honesty, I did get that extra hour but my husband didn’t! 🙈😂❤️

In all honesty, I did get that extra hour but my husband didn’t! 🙈😂❤️

Just a little note to let you know that my 2024 diary is filling up extremely rapidly. If you want to be sure to get the...

Just a little note to let you know that my 2024 diary is filling up extremely rapidly. If you want to be sure to get the appointments you’re wanting in the new year, it would probably be wise to let me know your preferences in dates sooner rather than later. Many thanks in advance for your understanding. 🐕‍🦺🐾✂️

Photo is of one of my ball obsessed poodles to attract your attention. Just love him so! ❤️

Well I never! I didn’t even know this day existed…. 😂✂️🐕‍🦺🐾💕

Well I never! I didn’t even know this day existed…. 😂✂️🐕‍🦺🐾💕


46 Beecham Road
Shipston On Stour

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 7pm
Friday 8:30am - 6pm




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