Honeybrook Animal Foods

Honeybrook Animal Foods Top Quality frozen animal foods for Birds of Prey, Reptiles and many other animals. We are a business who supply frozen animal foods.

Our products are mainly used to feed reptiles and birds of prey. We offer an online order service as well as telephone orders. For more information please get in touch by phone, e-mail or just leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also pop in and see us at our premises in Blackminster near Evesham.


Morning everyone. We are currently experiencing difficulties with our emails so please call us if you are looking to place an order or have an enquiry. Many thanks

Launched today is our great list of special offers now available on your next order whilst stocks last!Grab yourself som...

Launched today is our great list of special offers now available on your next order whilst stocks last!
Grab yourself some cheep cheep food šŸ˜‚


Hello everyone.
We have planned maintenance of our software system on Wednesday of this week so will be unable to process orders during that day.
Please place any orders for delivery runs on Thursday by Midday tomorrow. Many thanks


Hello everyone.

The Office will be closed from 5pm on Thursday 28th March until 8.30am on Tuesday 2nd April.
There will be no collections available on Saturday between these dates as we will be closed.

Due to the Bank Holidays, please ensure you place your orders as early as possible. There may also be slight changes to your normal delivery days to accommodate the holidays.

The staff would like to wish you all a very happy Easter. šŸ£

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year.We all hope you had a fabulous time over the festive period.Here is the delivery sched...

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year.
We all hope you had a fabulous time over the festive period.
Here is the delivery schedule for 2024. Please be aware some runs can take a number of days to complete.
We try to keep to this plan as much as possible but from time to time circumstances out of our control may adjust this.


šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸ¤¶šŸ¼šŸŽ…šŸ»From all the staff at Honeybrook Foods/Marine Nutrition, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you all have an amazing festive period. šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸ¤¶šŸ¼šŸŽ…šŸ»

We are all set up and ready to greet customers at Vowley Falcon Racing this weekend. Look forward to seeing you all.

We are all set up and ready to greet customers at Vowley Falcon Racing this weekend. Look forward to seeing you all.


Good Afternoon Everyone.
Due to a increased supply of Day Old Chicks we are now in a position to be able to take on new customers.
If you have made contact with us previously regarding supply and are still looking then please drop us an email or give us a call and we can set you up on the database.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank those loyal customers who stood by us during very difficult times and were also understanding that the situation was out of our control.


Good Morning everyone.

We hope you are all having a great start to the breeding season. Scary how fast this year seems to be flying by.

The office will be closed from Friday 7th through to Tuesday 11th.
Please place any orders for deliveries leaving around these times as soon as possible.
There will be no collection service available from the office Saturday 8th April.

From all the team at Honeybrook have a great Easter.


From all the team at Honeybrook, a very Happy New Year.
The office is now closed until Tuesday at 8.30am.
We hope you have a fabulous NYE and wish you all good health for the future.
Many thanks for all of your custom and support during what has been a testing year. Hereā€™s to 2023!


From all the team at Honeybrook, a very Merry Christmas. The office is now closed until Wednesday at 8.30am. Enjoy the Festive season and thank you for your continued custom šŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸŽ„šŸ¤¶šŸ¼ā›„ļø

Hello Everyone. We hope you are all keeping well.Please find the schedule for deliveries 2023.

Hello Everyone. We hope you are all keeping well.
Please find the schedule for deliveries 2023.


Good Evening Everyone-

Clarification on current Avian Influenza restrictions

Where mandatory housing is in force as part of an AIPZ, as is currently the case in Norfolk, Sussex and parts of Essex, a bird of prey or multiple birds of prey that are already kept in the same facility, can be flown to meet birdā€™s welfare requirements for up to an hour each day.

Further restrictions apply if the birds are located in a disease control zone:

ā€¢ In a 3km PZ, birds of prey can be exercised once preliminary cleaning and disinfection has been completed at the Infected Premises and the initial epidemiological investigations have been completed.

ā€¢ In a 10km SZ, one bird (falcon/hawk etc.) or multiple birds that already kept in the same facility, are still permitted to be flown where it is essential for their welfare, but you must avoid direct contact with wild birds (i.e. catching quarry) because birds of prey are also susceptible to avian influenza.

ā€¢ Bird gatherings are banned within disease control zones, hence birds that are not already housed together/on the same premises should not be flown together.

Outside of disease control zones, and in the AIPZ excluding Norfolk, Sussex and Essex, birds of prey may be flown without restriction. However, keepers are advised to consider the local conditions and take a precautionary approach to how long they allow their birds out to exercise, dependent upon their local environment, while taking account of their birdā€™s welfare and need to exercise. You are advised not to feed any wild shot or hunted wildfowl, due to the heightened risk of avian influenza infection in those wild birds.

If a trained bird of prey is lost and/or has contact with wild birds, the following should be followed:

ā€¢ the bird should be kept completely separate from your other birds for 14 days, including being fed and exercised;

ā€¢ you should cleanse and disinfect footwear and change clothing before and after dealing with the bird;

ā€¢ good practice would be to tend to the ā€˜escapedā€™ bird last so there is less chance of potentially spreading any virus to your other birds.

Please step up your bio security precautions.

Dr Gordon Mellor
The Hawk Board


In memory of the queen and all she has done for the world we would like to take this opportunity to share the tribute paid to HRH by Dr Nick Fox at Vowley.

Fellow Falconers, Ladies and Gentlemen
We are taking time out from our sporting activities today to celebrate the life of a remarkable lady, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. Probably for most of you, you have known no other Monarch. Seventy years on the throne is a long time.
I was born a Georgian, but nobody in our village had a TV in those days and I have no memories of her Coronation. The War was just over and we still had food rationing and hand-me-down clothes. But we had a new young Queen and the whole world was changing. We soon had the Swinging Sixties, and another five decades followed. The Cold War. Men on the moon. Computers. The Internet. Climate change.
Regardless of whether you are a Monarchist or a Republican, this lady deserves our greatest respect. I donā€™t think any one of us could have done such a good job as she did.
And now she is gone.
There are two milestones in life, on the path to becoming an adult. One is when you first have children of your own, and one is when you lose your parents. Suddenly you have to be the one who is responsible.
The Queen was like a Mother to us, unobtrusive but always there. A reassuring support in times of trouble. She had her own share of family difficulties, but throughout her own personal trials, she maintained a dignity and steadfastness as Monarch to her Country and the Commonwealth. She always had the long view and the welfare of her people and country at heart. She did not have to face the transience of an electoral term, nor did she have any real power. But she was always there, and on our side.
Politicians with their weaselly avoidance of answering the difficult questions, met their match with our Queen. She was not afraid to say to them what needed saying. Oh to be a fly on the wall when Prime Ministers had to face their weekly audiences with her, like naughty schoolboys outside the Head Masterā€™s office! I am sure that there were many times when the politicians were grateful that their private conversations were not recorded in Hansard!
Literally 48 hours before she died, and barely able to stand, the Queen was doing her duty, seeing out Boris Johnson and welcoming the new Prime Minister, Elizabeth Truss. She continued her duties for 36 years after her supposed retirement age.
But when not on royal duties she was a Countrywoman, keen on her horses, dogs and the land itself. I attended the All the Queenā€™s Horses event at Windsor in 2012, celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. To see all those horses from different disciplines going through their paces, with a finale of the Kings Troops pulling the gun carriages, was enough to bring tears to the eyes.
Other countries can keep their tin pot Presidents who come and go and live only for their next election. We have enduring roots to our past and to our countryside. We take our sports seriously, but also with a twinkle and a smile. We know only too well those familiar old imposters ā€“ Triumph and Disaster ā€“ and we treat them both the same. You will see them this afternoon, in the Open Hunt Race.
The Queen was not a Falconer, and I never knew her personally. But she and her family enjoyed all country sports and she was thrilled when His Royal Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed, now President of the United Arab Emirates, presented her with a white gyrfalcon for her Jubilee. Bred at Sheikh Mohammedā€™s stud in UK, the Queen named him ā€˜Diamondā€™ and he was returned to us, together with other royal falcons, for breeding. Diamond too is now a part of her history and I have brought him here today for you to see.
Our new Monarch, King Charles the Third, is also a countryman, keen on country sports and farming, as well as the wider issues of conservation, environment and heritage. I have had various dealings with him, on falconry and cultural issues. When we were preparing the submission to UNESCO fifteen years ago, the question naturally came up: why canā€™t Britain be included? After all, falconry has been practised in UK for many years. Twenty four other countries are inscribed. Why not us?
On our hawking grounds we have a statue of a falconer dated 670 AD, before England was even established as a country. Falconry is deeply embedded in our culture.
I wrote to the Minister for Culture, Jeremy Hunt MP, to enquire why UK has not signed UNESCOā€™s ICH Convention. He wriggled out of it by claiming that one cannot define ā€˜Intangible Cultural Heritageā€™. But UNESCO had already done that for us. What happened was, while Britain was busy promoting a ā€˜multi-culturalā€™ society, this was done at the expense of our own indigenous culture. Itā€™s our habit in Britain to under-state ourselves. One should not blow oneā€™s own trumpet. So while politicians celebrated other ethnic groups and cultures, our own received little recognition. Instead it became a kicking boy for politicians scoring points against one another.
The Hunting Act was never about hunting itself; it was about game playing in Westminster and the Queen was given no option but to give it Royal Assent. Since that Act was passed in 2005, hunting has continued as before. It has been the biggest and longest civil disobedience in the entire Queenā€™s reign.
One thing that struck me about UNESCO was that, while History is about the past, Heritage is about the future. It is living culture that we pass on to the next generation, like a baton. Nor is it something fossilised and static, but rather it must continue to evolve.
The racing you see here at Vowley is not Falconry as such. Falconry is a hunting sport. But it engages with most of the cultural skills needed to be a good Falconer, and it is a way to engage the younger generation. At some of the race meetings here at Vowley, I have been the only one with white hair. This is as it should be. Letā€™s welcome the young. Fresh blood, new ideas. The best way to preserve the past is to embrace change.
This little celebration today, to remember the Queen, is not about religion, or race, or cultures. More than 80 countries practise falconry. It transcends the religions, races and cultures. Actually, it is older than any of the received religions. Our ancestors were hawking long before Buddhism, Christianity or Islam. It requires huge personal daily commitment on behalf of its practitioners. It is a form of religion of its own. So we are in the process of getting falconry recognised as a ā€˜Protected Beliefā€™. This is a legal category, giving adherents certain rights in practising their belief. Google it when you get home.
Falconry is under threat as never before. Most threats are peripheral. Death by a thousand cuts. We lose quarry licences. Mountain Hares become protected. Pest licences are restricted. Often the changes are not aimed at us at all; we are just collateral damage because we are so small. The Welsh government have come out against shooting as a leisure activity and Labour plan to do the same when next in government. This would most easily be implemented by banning game rearing, as has happened in some western European countries.
Who would have thought that you would need a licence to catch a crow or a pigeon, as if they were endangered species? As Britain becomes more and more urbanised and as social media can be used to sway and rally public opinion, without any first hand knowledge, country voices get drowned out.
For falconry to continue in any recognisable form, we must be cohesive and support one another. This means supporting our representatives on the Hawk Board and clubs who are at the battle front, dealing with government departments and the media. Politics, sadly, is not evidence-led. It simply follows perceived public opinions which means that, while some minorities received headline status, others like ours, are trodden on.
Often we are our own worst enemies, airing our trivial grievances between each other on the social media, rather than creating a unifying influence. Before you press ā€˜Postā€™ on your Instagram or forum, ask yourself: Am I making a positive contribution, or am I just being negative, a disparaging doom and gloom merchant?
Tomorrow is the Queenā€™s funeral. It is the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one. I would like to say thankyou to the Queen for all the years of steadfast service she has given to us. She has set an example for us all to follow.
God Save the Queen!

Honeybrook are set up and ready to greet guests at the Vowley Expo this weekend. Food will be available to buy and take ...

Honeybrook are set up and ready to greet guests at the Vowley Expo this weekend.
Food will be available to buy and take away. Sun is shining, looking forward to a lovely few days at an event supporting and promoting Falconry.


Hello everyone.
Just a reminder that the office will be closed from 5pm Wednesday through to 8.30am on Monday. If you require an order next week for Devon, South Coast or Bristol, please call to place it before the end of Tuesday this week.
Have a great Bank Holiday weekend!


Good Morning Everyone.
The office will be closed from 5pm Wednesday 1st June and will reopen Monday 6th June at 8.30am. This therefore will mean there will be no collection service available on Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th of June. Have a great Bank Holiday.


Good morning everyone.
Unfortunately a number of staff have tested positive for Covid and so the office is short staffed today. Please be patient if you are trying to get through. Many thanks


Today is the day we bid farewell to Stan who has been an asset to the company during his 15 years of working for us. We thank him deeply for all his hard work and wish him all the very best in his retirement.


Good Morning Everyone.
The Honeybrook office will be closed from 5pm Thursday 14th April and will not re open until 8.30am on Tuesday 19th. There will be no collection service available on Saturday 16th.
We hope you all have a good Easter. šŸ„ šŸ£


Hello Everyone.
As some of you may now be aware we have had to make the difficult decision to increase our prices and change the free delivery cut off. This is not something we wanted to do but with ever increasing costs we have no option but to do so.
Staff are already working tirelessly to keep the wheels of the business turning and whilst we appreciate that the increased costs are not ideal, staff abuse will not be tolerated in any form!


We are constantly seeing posts on social media groups regarding the flying of birds after Wildfowl disregarding the advice of APHA.
Please see the APHA guidelines strictly advising against flying at any wild birds due to the increase in outbreaks of Avian Flu.
Honeybrook and many other organisations cannot stress enough the importance of following this to protect the future of Falconry.

Good evening .There has been a confirmed case of Avian Flu in Worcestershire.Whilst this doesnt affect us as a business,...

Good evening .
There has been a confirmed case of Avian Flu in Worcestershire.
Whilst this doesnt affect us as a business, it is paramount to the welfare of your birds that you take extra care and precautions with regards to the cleanliness and measures you implement to safeguard against the disease.
If anyone would like any guidance on this matter, please read the enclosed article. Stay safe everyone.


The risk of public health from the virus is very low and poses a very low food safety risk for UK consumers


Hello everyone.

We hope you are all staying safe.
The office will be closed Bank Holiday Monday so if you are wanting an order for delivery runs next week, please call us today to place them.
A reminder to collection customers that we are still operating the pre order system and ask that you refrain from entering the office and call us to let us know you have arrived to pick up your goods.
Many thanks to our customers for being so understanding during the difficult times of Covid. Our staff really appreciate your cooperation when they are trying to do their best.šŸ™‚


Hello again everyone.

We are again experiencing issues with our phone lines due to waiting for Openreach to reinstate the telephone pylon that was knocked down.

Please bare with us whilst we try to work around this.

Many thanks


Hi Everyone.
Unfortunately our phone lines are currently down.
We have some access to our page so if you have need to contact us as a matter of urgency then please message us through here and we will do our best to help you



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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