K9 Coaching Evesham

K9 Coaching Evesham At K9 Coaching, our trainers like to coach handlers to train their dogs. Building confidence and skills while having lots of fun. APDT. ABTC-ATI.

Whether thats puppy/adult dog lifeskills or sports such as hoopers and rally, we will help you to reach your goals. Dogs have such an important impact on our lives and we are here to help you to build a relationship that will provide you and you four legged friend great memories for years to come. We are accredited to the following bodies IMDT. All trainers are accredited to organizations promotin

g reward based training and specialize in various sports

We offer APDT Good CompanionCompanions or KC GCs training

Beginner puppy classes are limited strictly to 6 dogs, this enables us to offer more individual attention when needed. Of course it’s your choice and you may just want to train without being part of a scheme and that’s fine too. Older puppy/dog classes are again limited to 6 dogs and structured to enable you to recognize and build on your achievements and to provide you with the stepping stones toward a happy and healthy partnership. We have trainers that do 121s
Please ask and you will be given the details

Workshops and courses are strictly limited to 6 per class, including Scent work, Canine Hoopers, Trick training, Clicker Training, Play/Reliable recall, loose lead walking

We are committed to using science based, positive reinforcement methods, delivering effective and long lasting results


It’s very important as trainers to do CPD( continued professional development).
Not only to keep up with the scientifically proven methods of training but to develop skills that we can pass on to clients.

This year I’ve done Level 1 and 2 of Lost dogs tracking course- and will be continuing with level 3 to become operational … but happy to show you how to have fun with your dog, tracking other dogs and people - family members etc

I’ve done a behaviour course on reversing reactivity, now this has taught me lots, the importance of play and connection between dogs and guardians. Im not a behaviourist, and have a clearer line as to when it crosses, and we at K9 coaching, believe in these cases, it’s better for the dogs outcome to pass you to Claire Usen - a clinical canine behaviourist who is trained for that specialist role.

Hoopers. Well this has been a fabulous journey, as you know I’m on summer camp now and more CPD next week.

The confidence and growth in relationships are easily seen in this sport.
I’m a level one CHUK instructor and regularly train with Jan Rowbotham advanced CHUK to develop further skills and to train my own dogs.
I’m aiming for level 2 in the future.

I’m doing my Judges assessments in Rally obedience and after passing my theory will be completing my practical soon

So you can be assured at k9 coaching we never stop learning, so that we can continue to offer best practices in everything we offer

We are getting very excited as it gets near to our First but not last ‘Canine Hoopers Fun Show’ (capped to 30 entries).S...

We are getting very excited as it gets near to our First but not last ‘Canine Hoopers Fun Show’ (capped to 30 entries).

SUNDAY 30th JUNE 10am

We would like to thank Ceri and Richard Shepherd who very kindly allow us to use their ground. We are so lucky to have such a fabulous venue.. we are respectful that it is also their home so please bear that in mind on the day . Poo bags, must be taken away with you.

Teams will compete on courses in Tunnellers
Tango mat
Awards for clear round
Places are awarded 1st-6th. In each category.

We have Sweetpeas and the doggie deli onsite.
We will be adding a raffle to support Labrador Retriever Trust - who I volunteer for and know, are there when any lab or lab cross needs help.

Spectators are very welcome - Judges and CHUK Instructors are around to answer questions on this wonderful inclusive sport

Little things please little pups!

Little things please little pups!


It’s great to look back on memories- this was awesome
Clients were game and dogs were fantastic

K9 Coaching Evesham are proud to be able to offer-The  Association of Pet Dog TrainersGood Companion Awards (GCA) compri...

K9 Coaching Evesham are proud to be able to offer-
The Association of Pet Dog Trainers
Good Companion Awards (GCA) comprise awards at four different levels that can be achieved by pet dog guardians together with their dogs.

Designed to be non-competitive, guardians and their dogs work together as a partnership to reach set criteria in various life skills.

These life skills help to enable dogs to become well-mannered members of society; they are open to all breeds and types of dogs, no matter their age.

Guardians are assessed on their dog training skills as well as their understanding of training principles and knowledge of dog welfare, wellbeing and all-round good companionship.

Taking part in the GCA provides an opportunity to understand and learn more about your dog and build your bond, to become companions for life.

How do I join in?

Message or call us on 07903546409

What do I get?

You will receive an Information Pack filled with lots of handy information to support the APDT Good Companion Awards.

What's in the pack?

It provides guardians with reference information relating to how their dogs learn and communicate, their dog’s needs, UK law and building a mutually rewarding relationship with their dog.

Full direction is included

You will also receive clear criteria that tells you what you are working toward.

Your award

A certificate and rosette for those who complete the award.
We believe in on going assessment, as testing days put pressure on you and dogs can have off days- so we consider it to be fairer and less stressful

Just a reminder we have a hoopers fun show on the 30th June. Spectators are welcome- come along and watch what this fabu...

Just a reminder we have a hoopers fun show on the 30th June. Spectators are welcome- come along and watch what this fabulous sport is all about.

There are just a few spaces available if you’d like to compete

And I’d like to remind those that haven’t paid, please could you ensure this is done by the end of the week please
There’s plenty of parking- a yellow dog area- tea coffee and snacks. Rosettes to 6th place. Clear round and winners of each section will get a prize too

Huge congratulations to Gaynor and Thala for achieving their puppy award today. It’s a privilege to watch you two work t...

Huge congratulations to Gaynor and Thala for achieving their puppy award today. It’s a privilege to watch you two work together 🥰


This was written by a friend John Weller
It will explain Familiarisation
As it’s a far better word for
SOCIALISING:- That much misunderstood word!

What do people think of in human terms, when talking about socialising? Going out to the pub or clubbing, a wine or beer or two, dancing and chatting up the opposite s*x!! So is it surprising that people, when talking of socialising a puppy think along the same lines? But really, that is not what canine socialising should be all about. Socialising is simply the wrong word for what we should be doing. Familiarising is a far better word, learning to meet and deal with all things the pup is going to come across in later life. Uncontrolled playing is not what should be happening, this is simply training your pup to be a hooligan! We want to be the centre of our dog’s life, not running off to play with every dog he sees, where the play becomes the focus and we become an afterthought.

Almost all people love to see a puppy, but few people like to see muddy paw prints on their nice clean clothes just as they are going out shopping. But they are their worst enemies, making a fuss of the puppy one day then complaining about muddy paws the next, and you go from, “That woman with the lovely Labrador puppy!” one day, to “That woman with the uncontrollable dog!” the next. Better for you to take control from the start, it’s your puppy and your responsibility. When people say to me, “Oh it’s all right, I don’t mind.” my answer is, but the next person might. Teach your pup to meet and greet with all four feet on the ground, then to sit quietly beside you while you chat about the weather or old Mrs so and so at number 46. Aim to be “The lady with that lovely calm Labrador!” That does not just happen, that comes with training. Exactly the same applies when meeting another dog. Dont stop all playing, but limit it and BE IN CHARGE! It finishes when you say. A minutes hoolie which finishes with you calling your dog too you, praising it for coming and then walking away together gives a wonderful feeling to both humans and dog. Remember what I’ve said so many times on these posts of mine, “Everything is a training opportunity!” Aim to be the place where your pup’s fun comes from, not other people and dogs.

Following on a little, I often talk about thinking about dogs in the wild. The nearest equivalent, behaviour wise, in the UK are fox cubs. I’ve often sat in my truck in the middle of the wood watching them play. But really. In this case there is no comparison between wild and domestic dogs. A wild pup will play, but really, only with it’s own littermates. Strangers would be chased off by the sire or dam. But the play period would not last long before leaving “home” and finding food becomes the priority. The pup would be forced to grow up and become an adult very quickly. Domestic dogs do not have the same priorities. Food is supplied without any work needed on the part of the dog. literally the dog does not need to even think! We do it for them. Domestic dogs have become the Peter Pan of the canine world, so don’t wait for them to become adult because in comparison with the wild canine, it aint gonna happen. Thats one reason why training is so important!

We all have different lives, do different things and want different things from our dogs. So even before we get our pup really we should be sitting down and thinking about what we want from our pup, and how best to get it. I work my dogs so they need to be familiar with livestock, sheep and cattle, birds, hare and deer. So I need to make a conscious effort to take my pup to places where she is going to meet them, so I’m able to teach her to leave them alone. Possibly if you love hiking then the same situation applies. Maybe if you live in a big city your pup might need to travel on buses and trains. As I said, think about your lifestyle and decide what your pup needs to know about. Maybe now you can see why I said that “Socialising” is the wrong word, and “Familiarising” is a so much better word. I saw a picture on here a while back, two dog walkers meeting, one says to the other, “You’re so lucky having such a well behaved dog!” and the other saying, “It’s strange, but the more I train the luckier I get.” You get out what you put in, and I don’t mean walking long distances, it’s all about quality, not quantity.

John Weller


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Sharing this from Bermuda Dogs. When you go out and about- watch your dogs reactions- are they looking away- are they gi...

Sharing this from Bermuda Dogs. When you go out and about- watch your dogs reactions- are they looking away- are they giving the go away stare
Start learning what your dog is telling other dogs, this will enable you to understand them more


We do still have few places left
So if you’d like to join us please message me

I am thrilled to share with you our beautiful hoopers Tango matChris Hardy has done us proudIt’s beautiful and will be u...

I am thrilled to share with you our beautiful hoopers Tango mat
Chris Hardy has done us proud
It’s beautiful and will be used at the fun show


Good Evening Everyone!
Just a quick heads up/reminder that there will be no puppy or hoopers classes at Broadview Farm this Saturday 25/05 as it’s a bank holiday weekend! We look forward to seeing our weekday classes as usual and Saturdays will resume from 01/06

Congratulations Jenny and Beano who gained their foundation award

Congratulations Jenny and Beano who gained their foundation award


Today I saw three very different dogs for three very different reasons but I said the following to all three because these 3 simple things can transform your dog's experience outside.

𝙎𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣
You're not power walking or trying to squeeze the maximum amount of steps into the shortest amount of time. You're just spending some quality time outdoors with your pal. Slow down. Be present.

𝙐𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣
A longer lead allows for more freedom of movement, more natural movement, allows you to see more clearly where your dog chooses to be and results in less time under tension. The minimum I'd suggest is 6 feet.

𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙨𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙛
We are visual creatures. Our dogs are olfactory creatures. They make sense of the world around them through smell. They obtain information via scent in ways we can't even conceive...who has passed by? how long ago? were they humans? dogs? rabbits? mice? Were they boys? girls? what's their reproductive status? old? young? healthy? ill? relaxed? stressed? Taking a dog for a walk and not allowing them to sniff is like asking a person to walk around blindfolded.

I say these things to new puppy owners, to the owners of dogs who pull on the lead, whose dogs are reactive or frustrated or overexcited or anxious.

I say it to almost everyone because these three simple things can make a 𝙝𝙪𝙜𝙚 difference to your dog's experience and, as a result, to their behaviour. It can settle dogs who are overwhelmed or overexcited by the world. It can help busy, frantic dogs drop down a gear or two. It can build confidence by allowing a dog to gather information about the world around them.

Try these three simple things the next time you are out with your dog and see how it changes the experience for both of you...


Shout out to local dog professionals!

Are you a dog walker, trainer, groomer, vets and have a celebration coming up?

Did you know we can provide "Bespoke Goody Bags" for you clients! They are perfect to welcome new clients, celebrate a birthday or anniversary, open days or a congratulations on completing a course or work shop!

Variety of selection of treats available. So if you have a protein you want to avoid or only include, we can accommodate to all needs

For more information and prices please call or WhatsApp 07483 328 422


Rally obedience scores are in

Congratulations to
Trish and summer 198 level 2 earning an ExQ

Sue and Stella 193 level 3 ExQ

Fiona and Ivy level 1 200 ExQ
Fiona and Ivy level 1 192 ExQ

Well done ladies we are so proud of you and your achievements

This weekend has been our level two tracking course with Claire North of north k9 lost dogs tracking teamWorking on doub...

This weekend has been our level two tracking course with Claire North of north k9 lost dogs tracking team
Working on double blinds! Indication, scent identification
Lots of homework until our assessment in level three
It’s safe to say Raisin is exhausted and gone to bed!! Forgot to say thankyou to Sandie for organising it and the team who are all awesome


☀️ Well isn't this weather just lovely!

Now it's not my intention to scaremonger, but already the midday sun is a bit too hot for some puppers to be out and about. I love this table from and I refer to it myself all the time. The key point to note is the other factors on the right. If your dog is particularly young or old, a brachy type (meaning short-nosed, so Frenchies, pugs etc), or obese, they are going to find the heat more difficult.

What can you do to keep your walks safe:

🌭 Test how hot the pavement before you go out. Don't over complicated this, just stand on it with bare feet for a bit, and if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for paws.

🌭 Walk at the start or end of the day.

🌭 Pick walks in cooler areas, like in the woods or where there is a body of water.

🌭 Avoid excessive running. Leave the ball lobber at home 😉

🌭 Do an indoor activity instead. No walk is better than an overheated pup.

SAVE THIS POST to refer to if you're unsure whether to take that walk 😊



BROADVIEW FARM, Twyford, WR11 4TP, , EVESHAM WORCESTERSHIRE, , What 3 Words, Tedious. Oblige. Collected

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:30am - 11:30am
Wednesday 11:30am - 3:30am
Saturday 9am - 10am




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