Angel Sammy The Siamese If You Please Meezer Cat

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  • Angel Sammy The Siamese If You Please Meezer Cat

Angel Sammy The Siamese If You Please Meezer Cat Helloz Izz Amz Sammy Sky!! I Waz Bornz Inz Guezztimation Ofz Zometime Duringz Thez Monthz Ofz February Inz 2015!! Izz Waz a Feral/Strayz.

Izz Waz Foundz Outzide Thez Pawrentz Homez Onz June 6, 2015!! Izz Pawrentz Fellz Inz Lovez Withz Izz andz Byz Thez Endz Ofz Auguzt 2015, Izz Becamez Partz Ofz Theirz Familyz!! Itz Tookz Awhilez Duez Toz Izz Notz Zure Aboutz Beingz Inzide. Theyz Broughtz Izz Inz andz Izz Waz Bouncingz Backz andz Forthz Decidingz Toz Chooze Inz Orz Outz!! Izz Thenz Choze Izz Fureverz Lovingz Homez!!! Izz Haz Twoz Br

ofurs: King Red @ The Cat-chelors and Justify The Prestigious Tuxedo Cat. Izz Auntiez Arez: Joyce andz Jackie!! Izz Haz a Zizfur Namedz Coconut, Herz Iz Newz Herez andz Onlyz Threez Monthz Az Of February2016!! Izz Amz Extremelyz Blezzed Toz Haz Allz Ofz Mewz Az Izz Familyz!! Izz Lovez Mewz Allz Zo Muchz!! Everydayz Iz a Dayz Toz Zhow Thez Lovez!! Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahz Hugz andz Kizzez




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