Reiki Paws

Reiki Paws Reiki healing for your animals--House and Barn calls!


Here's a question (or so!) for you all--have you ever experienced Reiki for yourself? If so, would you consider Reiki for your animal? Why or why not? Let's discuss!


Have you ever wondered what energy healing can do for your animals? Plenty, as it so happens! The animals in your barn or household can benefit from Reiki in so many ways, from stress relief to actual healing. (Veterinary care is always to be consulted in these cases.) Call 401-397-7987 or email [email protected] for an appointment!


If you've ever had Reiki for yourself, you know how relaxing it is. So why not Reiki for your animals?They appreciate the peaceful, balancing energy as well, and are very open to it.

Reiki is an ancient healing technique that was rediscovered by a Buddhist monk in Japan. It has now spread all over the world. It is even used in hospitals! The body (animal or human) has an inborn capacity for self-healing, and Reiki can help relax and re-balance the individual's energy to allow this self-healing to occur.

Reiki cannot interfere, or be interfered by, conventional or complementary medicine, and is no substitute for such. We encourage you to seek the advice of a medical professional whenever warranted.




(401) 397-7987



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Reiki Paws: Reiki energy treatments for all animals, house and barn calls!

Reiki (pronounced ray-key), is a form or energy work rediscovered by a Buddhist monk in Japan. As physics has proved that all matter is made of energy, then all living things embody this energy. This energy is all around, and is what keeps us alive. Sometimes though, stress and illness can unbalance an individual’s energy. Reiki rebalances the energy so the individual can self-heal from illness and stress-related problems.

I have always had a love for animals since childhood, and even desired to go into veterinary work. That wasn’t an option, but I have always had animals sharing my life--dogs, cats and a horse. When one of our cats developed a sudden end-stage kidney failure, a chance remark from a friend led me to receiving Reiki attunements from someone I already knew through T’ai Chi practice. I have been a Reiki practitioner since early 2002. I received First and Second Degree attunements in January and February of that year, and my Master Level in 2003.

A Reiki treatment for a human usually consists of hands-on positions, related to the locations of the body’s chakras, which are energy centers running down the length of the body. It can be hands-off as well, in the case of burns etc. For animals, the treatment can be similar, following the chakra locations of the animal, which are only slightly different, or it can be a totally hands-off creation of a healing space, that the animal can go in and out of at will. We don’t often give animals choices in their lives, and this is one beautiful way we can do so. This is how I offer Reiki to animals, by letting them lead the session.

Reiki animal treatments are $40 for a half-hour session, which is usually all that is needed. A full hour session is $70. These fees include mileage up to a 20 mile radius of my location in Foster, RI. Additional mileage is $1 per mile. If for some reason, your animal refuses a treatment on the day we have scheduled, which is very rare, only a $15 travel fee will apply, and we will reschedule. Cash and checks accepted.