🤬Crates Are Cruel 😠- why would you buy a dog to put it in a crate!?!
"My dog is scared of a crate so I won't put him in one"
"Crates are ABUSE"
"I got my dog to love not lock away"
These sort of statements we hear all the time, so why do we believe that every dog on the planet should be crate trained?
Well if you look back at our fireworks post we state to create a den like environment for your dog to help them feel safe. We litreally had 100's of comments and messages from social media thanking us as for the first time there dog was not petrified of the fireworks. The answer the crate!
Dogs love a den like environment, it helps them feel safe, it is a place for them to go when the house is perhaps a bit too busy or someone new is in the house they are unsure of.
A few reasons to crate are:
✅Imagine the first time your dog goes in a crate is at the vets.. This won't be a great experience for them.
✅Recovering from surgery and the door goes. Crate saves their legs.
✅A safe place for them.
✅It teaches them to switch off!
✅It reduces the development of separation anxiety
✅If your dog is destructive it keeps them and your house safe!
If your dog is always on the go and never seems to switch off they will end up with a broken sleep pattern and as we all know that is not a good thing!
If you think of a crate as a prison then you need to change your mindset, it is more like a cot for a baby.
Once a dog is crate trained you leave the door open and allow the dog to choose.. 9/10 times they will choose their crate.