Hawking's Wonkings: A Place for Special-Needs Cats with Happy Endings

Hawking's Wonkings: A Place for Special-Needs Cats with Happy Endings Hawking was a blind, special needs kitty who lived with four other blind kitties and nine "regular" kitties. We've kept this page alive in his honor.

Unfortunately, Hawk passed away at 3 years old from a blood clot that stopped his heart.


Austin, TX


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A Tale of Five Blind Wonks

I rescued my first blind kitty in the summer of 2016, when I was a manager at the country’s first and largest neonatal kitten nursery. She was about 7 weeks old, emaciated, had a severe URI that caused both of her eyes to ulcerate, and was riddled with worms -- her prognosis was grim. But with lots of TLC, she soon recovered. Her name was Boozy and she was and is ridiculously cute and sassy. I couldn’t resist her charms and ended up adopting her. Little did I know that rescuing Boozy would set me down a path I never could’ve imagined...

A few months after my glorious blind chonk Boozy became mine officially, I sent out an email to all the animal shelters in Texas asking them to contact me immediately if they got any blind kitties in as I knew most shelters would euthanize blind cats on the spot. I was a woman obsessed.

Not even two months later, I got an email from an animal shelter in Houston saying that they had gotten this ridiculous orange blind guy in and he needed a home ASAP... I saw this picture and the next day, we jumped in the car and made the drive to go pick him up. We met his rescuer in the parking lot of a restaurant and this boy let me hold him right away, not scared of the constant traffic whizzing by. He was so calm and brave. We brought Boozy along to keep him company on the drive home, and he immediately settled down to lay beside her, and Boozy took to him automatically and started grooming him.

Over the course of the next few years, my partner and I became involved with various animal rescue organizations. I eventually became known as the “blind cat lady”, so I was contacted all the time about blind kitties who needed rescuing. That resulted in us adding three more blindies (that’s what we call them!) to our family.