Dog Grooming By Tana

Dog Grooming By Tana House Call Dog Grooming in Asheville NC & Johnson City TN. Start to finish grooming.

How cool!

How cool!

Local to the tri cities and Asheville too! Support your local photographer!!!

Local to the tri cities and Asheville too! Support your local photographer!!!

My newest little friend!!! He’s so sweet and loving!!! I absolutely love and adore my little Oden! Asheville friends I’m...

My newest little friend!!! He’s so sweet and loving!!! I absolutely love and adore my little Oden! Asheville friends I’m at Shampoodles in Woodfin in addition to Wag N Suds in Johnson City. Come see me at either salon!

I wish I had the plumbing hooked up in a building already so I wouldn’t have to bathe him in my house 🙃

I wish I had the plumbing hooked up in a building already so I wouldn’t have to bathe him in my house 🙃


Please help save our jobs!!! Any and all support helps us to stay open. Wag N Suds is struggling to pay our expenses this month. Which means us 4 ladies may lose our wonderful jobs in the near future. We love it here and want to do everything we can to save our beloved pet store!

Come by and support your favorite one today! Loser gets a pie in their face!!!!!

Come by and support your favorite one today! Loser gets a pie in their face!!!!!

Update 4/14. The battle rages on! Brenda is up by 5 bags of treats! April isn’t giving up though. She is determined to pass Brenda up!

🏆 Who will take the crown for Best Salesperson in April? Will it be the smooth-talking Brenda or our fearless Store Manager, April? Don't be fooled by Brenda's grandmotherly appearance, she's a selling machine! But April isn't backing down without a fight. Help your favorite staff member win by purchasing a bag of treats before April 21st.The loser will get pied in the face during our spring fling social. Don't let your fur baby miss out on the best treats in town! 🐾 🥧

Part of this is slightly incorrect. Standing tall and straight up is a threatening posture to dogs. The best way to gree...

Part of this is slightly incorrect. Standing tall and straight up is a threatening posture to dogs. The best way to greet a dog is by crouching down,have your body turned away from the dog, look directly a head avoiding direct eye contact with the dog, keep your body entirely still, do not speak or make any movements. The goal is to grey rock and make yourself boring, this eliminates all body language that poses as a threat to dogs. If you have treats available you can gently toss one at a time to the dog to show them that your presence is rewarding. You can toss treats at a distance slowly decreasing the distance between you and the treats Wait for the dog to come sniff you, do not move or speak to the dog during this stage as it can regress any work you have done during this time. See if the dog will take a treat from your hand, if the dog does great you are now friends. Once the dog signals playful or friendly behavior you can greet the dog with a pet if they are ok with it. If not you don’t get to pet the dog.

🛇 Use your Manners! 🛇
The Sniff test - Stop doing that!
The sniff test - a badly engrained habit that society has been taught, without a clear understanding of what they're actually doing.

🚩When you reach out towards a dog, you are using body pressure AT them, giving them no time to assess whether you are safe & whether they require further investigation to pick up your information. You are forcing an interaction of a relationship that hasn't had time to develop. To some dogs, this is quite rude & the reason a lot of dogs snap at or bite people. This can cause alot of behavioral issues because of layered stress due to forced interactions.

🚩If they are on lead, they have no where to go if they are sensitive to spacial pressure, so can end up shutting down, shying away or snapping at your hand so you back off. This is an example of how a dog is now using pressure to turn off pressure & make you back off so they aren't so stressed.

🚩People think by offering your hand it can give the dog time to sniff to know you're friendly... they can sniff without being forced to sniff your hand.Their noses are far more superior than ours & they don't need close contact forced upon them to smell you.

🚩Some dogs might not want to know you. You have no relationship with them and that's perfectly fine. They aren't your dog so you don't need to touch them or steal pats for your own satisfaction.

🤔 If you are meeting a dog, what should you do?
⚠Ask the owner if you can interact with their dog. Not all people want strangers touching their dogs. Especially strangers who you are unlikely to see again.
⚠Stand up straight & relaxed, with your hands at your side.
⚠Ignore the dog & talk to the owner.
⚠Don't stare at the dog & don't try to force an interaction by going in for a pat. If the dog wants to know you, it will come up to you & sniff around. Usually they will move away & then come back for a second sniffathon. Some dogs will bunt your hands & wag their tails, which are good signs that you're likely an accepted new friend. Give them a few slow pats down their back (NOT THEIR HEAD) & then stop. Is the dog happy? Has it accepted your interaction? This will determine whether you can give it more pats.

🐶This is a more stress free option for dogs & a reason why in consultations we can develop a good level of trust, especially with fearful dogs & aggressive dogs, without a bunch of negative side effects from forced interactions.

Henry and I went to visit our friends in Bristol today! Here’s some highlights of our adventure!

Henry and I went to visit our friends in Bristol today! Here’s some highlights of our adventure!


Come on down to Wag N Suds!


We had a very slow week last week, and did not receive enough entrants for a drawing. Everyone who spend 40.00 or more in our retail section earns an entry into the drawing. The minimum value of the mystery Box is 60.00!

Here’s a great tip for brushing your dog! I always tell folks where the hair grows is where the brush goes. If you need ...

Here’s a great tip for brushing your dog! I always tell folks where the hair grows is where the brush goes. If you need further help with brushing your dog you can stop by Wag N Suds to get in person lessons on how to brush them better and more efficiently. I love helping you keep your pet’s hair long! I enjoy grooming dogs to look cute and fluffy. Shaving is not my go to unless you request it or it is needed.


🎉 It's back and better than ever! 🎉

Our April Mystery Box is here and we couldn't be more excited! Spend $40 or more in our retail section and you'll be automatically entered to win this month's box of goodies! 🎁

Our staff had so much fun putting together the last Mystery Box, we just had to do it again. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on this one. 😜 Stay tuned for the big reveal on May 1st!

Meet my friend Blu! He HATES the dryer. I worked on some gentle conditioning to it. This is going to be a long process, ...

Meet my friend Blu! He HATES the dryer. I worked on some gentle conditioning to it. This is going to be a long process, which is totally okay! He made some great progress! I will hopefully have the video showing you all made up here soon.

Drift says I’m a nervous boy. It’s always great to see my old time doggy friends! He’s always been a little bit nervous ...

Drift says I’m a nervous boy. It’s always great to see my old time doggy friends! He’s always been a little bit nervous in grooming . I love getting to see him. He was so ready for his mom to come back. He truly doesn’t know how to do life with out her. ❤️ instead of forcing him on the table I meet him in his comfort corner. Usually it’s under a desk. Today he really like the big boy shower stall. He is so sweet, however he looks so sad in his photo. When he saw his mom he got the zoomies!

Hey y’all I have 2 grooming spots available at Wag N Suds in Johnson City. You can book directly with me or call the sto...

Hey y’all I have 2 grooming spots available at Wag N Suds in Johnson City. You can book directly with me or call the store at 423-405-1713. Hope to see you then! ❤️🐶🐾

I would have gotten a better photo but my little buddy Hovah, he tripped and fell, so I was a nervous mess worrying abou...

I would have gotten a better photo but my little buddy Hovah, he tripped and fell, so I was a nervous mess worrying about his well being. He’s such a sweet angel. Give him a big heart react! His mom said make him famous! Thanks so much for bringing him into see me, I have truly missed my dog friends from this area. I never realized how attached I was to them all.

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐞Is your dog throwing 🤮 up some clear or yellowish, foamy liquid?  If your dog is relative...

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐞

Is your dog throwing 🤮 up some clear or yellowish, foamy liquid?

If your dog is relatively healthy, there is typically no reason to worry about these situations, as they are easily rectified.

This is caused by a build up of bile acid and are referred to as “𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙪𝙠𝙚𝙨”. There can be several reasons why this happens such as eating a large amount of fatty foods, eating grass or drinking a lot of 💦 water, but the most typical cause seems to be an empty tummy.

You see, a dogs stomach is highly acidic. It has to be in order to be able to digest and process any bacteria they ingest (due to a carnivorous 🥩 diet). The bile is what helps process the food, so the body can utilize it.

When there’s nothing in the stomach to absorb the bile acid, the stomach lining gets irritated and causes nausea and that’s when the bile comes up and these hunger pukes happen.

It seems to be more common in raw fed dogs because the raw food gets digested at a much quicker rate, compared to kibble which sits in the system for a longer time.

The best way to avoid this is to feed evenly spaced meals. And you want to space them over the WHOLE 24 hours ⏰ in a day, not just the hours you’re awake.

For an adult dog 🐕 that eats twice a day, you will want to be feeding them 12 hours apart.
For puppies under 1 year that eat 3 times a day, you will want to be feeding them 8 hours apart.
If your schedule doesn’t allow for these feeding times, a snack 🍖 before bed or when you go to work may be in order.

If your dog is not interested in eating after this happens, it’s ok. Let them rest and they will eat when ready. This can sometimes cause a vicious cycle because it makes them feel nauseous, in turn making them not want to eat.

However, once you get on a better schedule as noted ⬆️ above, this should help prevent the hunger pukes and make your pup and you feel better.

Can I just say how much I absolutely love and adore pugs!!? I mean look at this face!! If you have a pug and you are con...

Can I just say how much I absolutely love and adore pugs!!? I mean look at this face!! If you have a pug and you are concerned about their nails…. Yes they all do that and they all hate it with a fury passion! However I speak snorts n kisses very well (we had several pugs when I was a teenager) Buckles the pug and Chonky the Chug did so well today! I absolutely adore these babies.


Hey friends here’s an update on my health stuff-
I went to the neurologist yesterday. We did some testing last week to see if type 1 diabetes could be the cause of my seizures and passing out. We were able to rule that out. Which leads us to our next round of testing. My neurologist thinks my issues are related to the heart. I’ll be traveling down to Knoxville here soon to have further testing done. Once we see what the root cause is for the seizures and passing out is we may be able to stop it/get it under control.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers during this stressful journey.


🐾 Woof woof! It's Woof Wednesday and we have a special treat for all the out there! 🛁 Bring your furry friend in for a bath today and get 10% off in our retail area! 🐾 Don't miss out on this pawsome deal! 💙 . 🐾

I heard you wanted to see another cute dog, whelp it’s me! The smallest Aussie!

I heard you wanted to see another cute dog, whelp it’s me! The smallest Aussie!


2024 Solar Eclipse Pet Safety

Just a friendly reminder - during a solar eclipse, it's a good idea to keep your furry friends indoors. The sun's rays can be harmful to their eyes, and the sudden change in light might spook them. Many pets react to eclipses just like they do to fireworks or thunderstorms.

My buddy Albert! He’s a totally sweet guy that requires some thinking out of the box. This guy is scared 💩less of a hair...

My buddy Albert! He’s a totally sweet guy that requires some thinking out of the box. This guy is scared 💩less of a hairbrush. I really like to brush and comb dogs so I can get a better finish. However this guy was flinching at every turn with the hairbrush. This is exactly why I am a firm believer in shaving matted dogs. When groomers brush the matting out of dogs it causes more pain and discomfort for them, so they associate brushes/brushing with pain. It’s like Pvalov’s dinner bell but the negative version of it. I am working with his mom to help recondition him with brushing to become a positive thing. I’m likely going to make a TikTok video here soon on how you can do that too. I like to remind people that dogs have feelings, emotions and they experience pain like we do. I encourage everyone who wants to brush out matting to skip their hair brush for 6 weeks straight and let me brush it out for them so they can better understand what their pets go thru to look pretty. I’m very happy to help you maintain their coast that isn’t on their expense. No one deserves to be subjected to pain when they can’t consent to it.

This feller is so handsome and sweet! I really enjoyed working with Holmes. He may be big n thick but he is sweet and re...

This feller is so handsome and sweet! I really enjoyed working with Holmes. He may be big n thick but he is sweet and responds very well to grooming! I absolutely enjoyed him. He was lurking from the kennels over at me when I was finishing up on another FURiend.



Johnson City, TN

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm
Saturday 8am - 4pm





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