Rocky the tri-paw rabbit

Rocky the tri-paw rabbit This page has been set up for the trials and adventures of our latest (and most famous amongst our friends) rescue, Rocky - the tri-paw rabbit.

Hi I am Rocky, the tri-paw bunny, I am approx 4 yrs old. In 2016 I was handed in to the Llandudno Pets@Home by someone who had found me in her garden. I wasn't feeling very well, and had sore weepy eyes, as well as long nails and matted fur, but the nice people at my new place of rest soon got that looked at for me and I started to feel better. However, I am a bit of an adventurer, and well, one n

ight when it was quiet and no-one was around I got bored, and decided to escape my cage again....

Sadly during this escape I hurt my back leg, causing nerve damage, and after much discussion (and a few raised voices) it was agreed that the leg needed to come off (which was a far better option then the one of putting me to sleep over it, which is what was originally suggested). So it came to be I was under the care of my new mum and dad from Paws 4 Thought, who spoil me rotten and make sure I have everything a little three legged bunny could need.


15 Gate Mews, Ancaster Square
LL26 0LB


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